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Posts posted by brat#2

  1. Oh my Gin, I'm so glad you were able to get into the doctors so quickly (that doesn't usually happen).  I'm sure the incision will start feeling better soon, it takes awhile and am glad they were able to catch the problem in time.  I know it is hard without our partner to go through things like that, it's hard enough to go through every day, but Al is with you in spirit and holding you tight.  Keep us updated on how you are doing, take care of yourself and am sending you big hugs!


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  2. Gin, I hear what you are saying about looking at the video.  I've been having major conflicting thoughts since the 3rd anniversary of his death in July.  Some times I'm glad I don't have a video of him or a recording of his voice, but at other times I really wish I did have both.  I have pictures and look at them all the time, but no voice recording and I'm so afraid I'm going to forget how he sounded, all I remember is his voice was deep and very calming, sure wish I could hear it.  Although if I did have either one, not sure I could listen or watch either one.  Hope today is a little easier for you.  Hugs


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  3. On this day 36 years ago I married the love of my life, my best friend and soulmate.  It is hard to believe this is the 4th anniversary of our special day that I have spent alone, celebrating our love alone.  We would have been making plans to go to our favorite restaurant and looking forward to spending the evening celebrating.  The last year we spent it together, I had the day off and we drove around all day and went to the places we had lived and talked about the time and things that had happened in a particular place, it was a good day.  It is so hard not having him here to remember with and I don't believe it will get any easier either.  I miss him so much and love him so much, that sometimes I don't feel like I can breath.  I'm remembering that wonderful day with all my heart along with every other day we had together.



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  4. I hope that everyone that lives in the "cone" will be safe and do what the authorities tell them to do.  Living in Florida from 1982 to 2017, I know all too well how terrifying these storms can be.  For 25 of those years we lived about 2 miles inland from the East coast and have dealt with 12 hurricanes and tropical storms, having to evacuate for 7 of them (3 times I had to evacuate by myself after Dale died) and coming home to damage each time.  But at least we were safe, damage can be fixed.  After the last evacuation in 2017, my family convinced me to move closer to them, so I now live in Ohio (have to deal with winter that I haven't had to for 35 years!!!), but at least no major storms to deal with, however, still get a little anxious when a thunderstorm comes around, as you know Marty or anyone living in Florida, even the Florida thunderstorms can be very bad.  Good luck !

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  5. Gin, I know exactly what you are saying, last year at this time I was doing the same thing since I was moving to another state and couldn't take everything with me.  It is so hard and it feels and sometime it still does feel like I'm throwing part of him away.  I'm glad you kept the things that have special memories to you, I did too and we aren't throwing them away, just stuff, Al and Dale and all of our loved ones will be in our hearts and souls forever.  Hugs to you, Joyce


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  6. Like Kay said, scattering their ashes is a big deal and is intense. Three months after my Dale passed, I had the opportunity to go to "our" special place that we both loved so much and I was like you, not sure I could handle the emotions of it all, but I went.  I did put part of his ashes in a special place on the property and now I know he is where he loved so much and we had some great memories.  Yes, it was very emotional and full of pain,  especially since it was during the week of our wedding anniversary, but so worth it.  I'm so glad that I did go because I haven't been able to get back there since but I at least know he is where we had such good and loving memories.  

    Just thought I would share my experience with this and I know everyone is different and you need to do what feels right for you.  Whatever you decide to do is ok, don't let anyone pressure you, you need to move at your own pace.  Hugs


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  7. Another "trigger" today, it's Dale's birthday, the 4th one alone.  I guess I'm sort of getting use to the triggers or scare tissue is starting to form.  The last 3 years I was a total mess today, but this morning I woke up and wished him a Happy Birthday and then thought of his smile as I would hand him his card first thing in the morning and then how we would spend all day deciding where he would want to go to dinner that night.  Of course, I have cried on and off so far today in remembering that and thinking of how sad it is that I'm probably the only one who remembers today is his birthday.  I love this day, as it was the day he was brought into this world and eventually met me and we fell in love.  I do hate that the word trigger has become a constant part of our lives now, every day there is at least one trigger that sets me off, but knowing that you all know that feeling, makes it a little easier. 

    Happy Birthday, my love and as long as I'm alive, I will celebrate you on this day (and everyday) and love you and cherish you.



    Birthday Grief Poem.jpg

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