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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

No Appetite And Everything Aches

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since my Mom passed I have no appetite, I can barely eat. I keep losing weight, but I try to eat but it's so hard and I don't even know why. Everything aches and I feel so tired and drained emtionally and physically. My mind wonders and I feel like I can never finish complete sentences or I don't make sense. My mind is confused and I'm sometimes like a zombie. I feel like withdrawling my self from everyone cause I feel so sad and depressed and don't want to feel like a burden. I guess I feel like who would want to be around someone who is sad and depressed and will bring down their spirits.

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Lindsey, The first few weeks are so hard and so sad. It's so fresh and new for you now. Keep posting and we're all here for you. What about your other family members and friends? Try to get as much rest as you can...your body needs it at this time. It's good that you found this website.

I'm sorry that you feel so sick. I know how you feel.

Hang in there...Lori

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You could be suffering from anxiety or depression. I had to go on meds for anxiety after my dad died. I couldn't eat, lost a ton of weight, couldn't sleep, etc. You might want to check with your doctor.

I know how you feel about not wanting to be around anyone. It's to hard to try and cover up your feelings...too exhausting. If you are lucky enough to have someone your very close to who doesn't mind listening, then take advantage of it! But everything you are feeling is normal, so try not to worry.



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