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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

The Hummingbird And The Lhasapoo

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Now, I'm not letting my imagination run wild or deluding myself that every bird I see is a message from beyond (see my post "Visit from a White Dove"). But this happened yesterday:

I was in my back yard again, playing with my dog Josie. She let out a little bark as a hummingbird came hovering over her head, circling around and around several times. The bird then came right up to me, stopped about a foot and a half away from my face, then swooped and dived across the yard for the next five minutes.

I laughed and said, "OK, OK, Bill. I get it!" Here was this unexpected visit from the hummingbird, so soon after my white dove sighting and after I had read John (Dusky)'s story and poem about the hummingbird who brought him a message from his Jack. My Bill was crazy about Josie, took her almost everywhere he went and told nearly everyone he met what a wonderful dog she is. I would roll my eyes and joke, "You won't be happy till everyone in Phoenix knows Josie, will you?"

So was the hummingbird incident a coincidence, or the product of my wishful thinking for more signs from Bill? I don't think so.

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Who can say? But it is what YOU think that matters most...if you feel it is a sign, then that is most likely what it is! I believe sometimes the planes of these two world cross and it is then that we notice these odd things...things that inspire and encourage us! :wub:

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I vote for it being a sign - I think these little creatures are beautiful little messengers sent to make us smile - to remember all the good things about our lost love.

John - Dusky is my handle on here

Love you Jack

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