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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

Recovery From Pet Loss Workshop


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This announcement comes to us from holistic veterinarian Dr. Cynthia Juday:

Recovery from Pet Loss Workshop

June 12 - 14, 2009

An uplifting, transformative weekend experience that empowers you by working through the pain from loss of a pet

Directed by Dr. Cynthia Juday, a holistic Veterinarian

Learn how to process your grief and transform your life in a positive, supportive atmosphere.

How is this workshop different from others? This one is

  • Taught by a holistic veterinarian
  • Uses expressive arts to enhance inner vision and healing
  • Uses both private introspection and group dynamics
  • Provides tools for continued healing after the workshop
  • Establishes a safe environment for personal processing
  • Provides a positive pathway for personal transformation

Learn more here: Recovery from Pet Loss Workshop

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