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Mom's Birthday Today

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Mom will have been gone 6 months on the 30th of this month. Today is her birthday. I haven't cried just feel numb. Talked to dad and he went to the mosaleum the other day to put fresh flowers and a Happy Birthday balloon. He will be going again to make sure it's all still ok. I wish I could go to wish her a Happy Birthday too. I live far away from them, in fact, have not been there since the day of the funeral. Feel sad about that!!!

Happy Birthday, MOMMY!!!!

I love you always and forever!!!

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hi 2sweetgirls,

aw I'm sorry, today is yet another tough day.

I was also numb on my Dad's bday, the whole day just felt wrong.I don't think it hit me till the following day. I was a zombie, couldn't do anything on his birthday.

Sorry you are far away and can't visit her. I know I went and bought one of my Dad's favourite little cakes for myself on his birthday.

hang in there hun, hugs and love to you,


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2 sweetgirls,Im sorry for you 6 months.Its so hard to face it,but my 5 months is in a week.It seems like no time has went by.But it seems like a lifetime since I heard my father's sweet voice.My heart breaks for all of us children left behind(and spouses,siblings,and friends,children).I never would have imagined it to be this hard....

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  • 2 weeks later...

2 sweet girls,I decided to post here,so we dont talk on someone elses post...but yes,pregnant.And it really was a surprise.Obviously I'm not in the right state of mind to be pregnant,and I worry about my depression.In fact,my fiance just left with all his stuff.I cant seem to make any relationships work.So now I'm alone,with no dad to talk to.He was always my rock.No fiance,and pregnant with my third kid.I dont know if things could get worse,but you are right.My dad would be sooo happy.He loved when I was pregnant.At first I thought it might be a gift from him.But then my world came apart even more.I'm scared,and can you imagine my hormones!?!I miss my pills,but I understand that I was too dependent on them,and maybe that is also what he wanted to do,get me off those pills.It would be just like him.Also,I'm struggling with the loss of my dad more right now.I'm sure things will get better,but I feel so hopeless right now.I'm sure me and my fiance will make up,and I'm gonna be happy about a baby...I'm just so overwhelmed.Thank you so much,for the congratulations.It made me smile.

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I'm glad I put a smile on your face - even if it was just for a short while. :)

I can't even imagine how your hormones are. Crazy from being pregnant AND grieving for your dad. Oh Boy!!!! Please try to hang in there. The Lord works in mysterious ways maybe He and your dad did want you off those pills. I don't know if you believe this but it just seems sweet to me but, I had heard that babies are up in heaven before they are actually sent to you when you become pregnant. If that is true, the baby would have already met your dad and got his blessing. It's nice if you believe it. It sounds strange but, I don't know, it made me feel good about it. Anyway, I'll stop my silly babbling and just hope that you can enjoy being pregnant (after the first trimester,of course) because it truly is a gift.

I hope that your finace comes to his senses and everything seems to come together better. I know it's not the same without your daddy but, he would defintely want you to be happy. I can imagine that being happy is all our loved ones have ever and will ever want from us.

I'm sure that is is overwelming. Please just try to think of that baby growing inside of you. Who knows, maybe this is your dad's way of MAKING you move on. If not for you, for the baby. Again, I'll stop my babbling and wish you well today, tomorrow, the next 8 months and always.

(((((((( )))))))) many hugs to you and the baby. :)


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Your so sweet.And you are making me happy.I really did have the feeling he had something to do with this at first,then I kinda slipped back to being sad.But it is exciting,isnt it?:blush:And I do think its a beautiful thought of them meeting in heaven first.It brings tears to my eyes.Actually this baby will be due a few days before dad's birthday,which I thought was cool,and amazing.And it was so RANDOM.For sure a gift.Thank you for helping me come to terms with this,you will never know how much it means to me.I really was having trouble seeing anything but the loss of dad.I'm sending you a big hug to you(()),and I hope you have been doing ok.We are almost on the same time line in grief,and I know you are in pain too.If you ever need to talk,I would love to return your favor.-Lila

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You have NO idea how happy it makes me that I could help you in any way. It brought tears to my eyes to know that, at the moment, you have a bit of happiness. Afterall, you are having a baby - WOOO HOOO!!! :)

The baby is due a few days from your dad's birthday? Honestly, I don't think there is anything "random" about it. You will NEVER EVER EVER forget your dad but, on what would be a really sad day, the birthday of your dad, can be a bit of joy celebrating the baby's birthday. Almost like your dad is celebrating with you. I think in all of the grief we are all experiencing, if we can find joy in ANYTHING, that is a good thing.

I am doing ok at the moment - thank you for asking. It comes in waves. I'm sure you know what that is like. Honestly, it makes me smile that you are having a good day. :)

How are you feeling? Do you get morning sickness? I didn't either time but was nauseous for about 4 months straight - I ate my weight in saltines. I hope you are feeling well and continue to in all areas of your life. :)

(((( )))) Hugs to you, Lila. Take care of yourself.


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I have been feeling ok.Not as sick as my last ones,but icky for sure.I'm really sleepy,and my 3 year old doesn't quit.You know how that is.I will keep you posted on things,your involved now:).Here are some hugs back((())),and take care of yourself,too,honey.

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I hope you are able to get some rest. I definitely know how it is with young children. My 23 mo. old is a climber so I can't leave her alone for a second even to go to the restroom. The last time I did that she pushed a large, heavy floor lamp down onto the floor - what a mess. Oh BOY!!!!! ;)

Do you have anyone that can give you a few hour break so you can rest? I would do it in a heartbeat. :)

I'm glad to be "involved". Please keep me posted.

Talk to you soon.

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