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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

Plan For The Weekend

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For me, and I am sure for most of you, weekends are the worst. I try to plan something for the weekend. This weekend, starting tonight, a friend is having a "girls" night in honor of a friend of her's from NY who is visiting, that will be fine. Tomorrow taking Sassy (one of my corgi girls) to the vet, and volunteering to work in the concessions at the "Monument for our fallen soldiers" fundraiser. Sunday having 2 friends, who have also lost spouses, over for chili and a movie. Wheee....another weekend planned for. Well it does not really stop the pain, but it does keep me busy, and keeps me from dwelling on it.

Nothing really takes away the pain, and for some reason, this week was pretty hard. I thought I was doing so well, it has been 9 months, but found myself being pretty overwhelmed at times this week. Hope you all have planned for the weekend, it helps me, and maybe will help you.

Grateful for this forum, and sad that we all need it.

Mary (Queeniemary) in Arkansas

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Your plans sound better than mine...I plan to clean house, stack wood, cook, do dishes, laundry, and weatherize the house. If I get bored I can do some weed whacking! LOL

I think it's good to give some thought about the weekend, it seems to help us handle it better if we're busy.

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