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It's,,,bread Christmas Eve

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I'm here, & my life with out Pat has changed drastically...but I've survived...over 3 1/2 years!The main thing was getting a job...I was out of work so long. I can also manage Christmas this year...on a greatly reduced scale...but that is all relative.To what you Used to Do...as a couple...with 2 incomes.

Christmas Eve at work today, was quite hunbling..cards & gifts from people...& I did not buy one gift for the people I work with. I gave out a few cards...& I received big hugs! Gosh I almost got a hug from my Boss...very Scary! I really wanted that Hug, too, Ken reminds me of my Dad..& I just wanted to hug his big belly. I had the nicest hugs from my warehouse nen, too. A big hug from Steve..sll sweaty...with a big belly. Male, sweaty smelling hugs.

Quite Frankly...not to mention my deceased Dad's name...but Frank would be Proud of me...for hanging on. To my szanity, my house, & my life. Pat would be proud, too, he'd say little one , I love you. Those 2 Major Men in my life...know what ...their little one is made of. & I know they stand beside me...if not in this world..but in the next.one.

I think the warehouse guys get it, & the office people get it...that I'm widowed..& struggling to make the Mortgage Paymnt..on one income. Less income. I hope the little boy that I adopted for Christmas loved his new jeans & shirt that I bought him for Christmas.

We brought from South Dakota to Phoenis,,,a can of Hominy, that was Symbolic. We were Never so Broke that we had to eat.it. My Dad told me a Story of how he had lived on bread & peanmut butter when he got to Phoebnix.Mom & Dad had 6 Ki.

So Merry Christmas ...Girl's & Boy's..Maybe you don't need tlo compare yourself to others..or on the Grief Books

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It is so good to hear from you, dear friend! Merry Christmas to you and I'm sure you'll be blessed for remembering that little boy.

I'm also so glad to hear you have a supportive work environment. I'll have my kids up for Christmas and got to spend Christmas Eve with my son, that was nice. We took the dogs for a walk in the woods in the snow, they loved it! We watched a movie...or he did, I fell asleep as usual. My days start at 4:30 or 5:00 am so it's hard for me to stay up late.

Vickie, isn't it good to have God's blessings, like family or friends or even strangers that do kind things? Some lady let me go ahead of her in line at the store night before last, that meant so much to me because I was on my way to see my father-in-law in assisted living and wanted to join him for dinner and was pressed for time, so that made my day! I hope you get to be with family or friends today...



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