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Everything Going Wrong When Will It Stop?


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I don't know if anyones felt like this, I was doing so well being strong I was so surprised that I wasn't reacting in a different way but now everything's just going wrong and I can't handle it anymore, everyone has a breaking point right? What do you do when you just can't deal with stuff anymore can't face pain from everything it's like a prison I can't ever escape but why does everything bad just keep happening one upset after another after another, small things but they build up and meanwhile people around you don't even have the small bad things happen but you have them all.

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Yeah, I understand you on the breaking point part. There are times when it seems that everything piles up, whereas other people remain unscathed. But I know that's just a perceptual thing.

Don't have any useful advice. I just try to distract myself as much as possible to give my brain a break. I try to envision my head as a blank sheet. Or fake for as long as possible that I have no problems at all. Doesn't always work, unfortunately, so I go on this board.

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Guest Nicholas

We just don't notice when things go wrong for others or don't pay attention; grief is all-consuming and so we are all wrapped up in our own painful emotions. When you are suffering, every little thing is magnified and appears to hurt that much more, as well as being unique to you. Of course, this isn't really the case - if you were to transpose yourself to a starving village in Zimbabwe, for argument's sake, you'd witness life having gone wrong for very many people. It just doesn't seem that way right now.

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Guest Nicholas

On the surface they may not appear so - but behind closed doors, who knows? I am sure very many more people hide their grief than we know about or can see in public, and so many people put on a front to conceal their inner demons and sadness.

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yep I have felt like that, sometimes I feel like everything just snowballs and I get so worried about so many things .......in the end I actually find myself not caring .....it's like things become too much and my mind just shuts down which is probably a good thing as I stop worrying and stop caring. I try to just focus on the moment I am in, try hard to block out next week, next month etc. I just cry it out sometimes or get stuck into tv to escape from it. It's hard when all these little things that would never really have bothered me before can suddenly feel so enormous and there's nobody here to calm me down like my Dad would have, it makes me mad having to deal with all those other stresses thinking surely dealing with losing my Dad is enough, why am I given more stress. Just wish I could get a break sometimes !

((hugs)) to you hun,


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I feel so low but a weird low that I can't come out of usually when I cry it's comforting but now it feels horrible, small things my bf broke up with me I have a main deadline for tomorrow but these things that would've taken the edge off that are usually distractions but now everything is just bleak. Before I used to think when I go back home it will be better but I was at home for a month I know that's not the case how do I get through this nothing to look forward to everything is just bleak. I always had that my dads not here nothing will be happy but now it's all consuming, when my friends have these small things happen to them they can get through because everything else is happy but what do I do when nothing is now? I haven't felt this bad before I know I couldn't afford to but now I can't help it I can't ignore it and carry on I know it will take time but I don't want to feel like this for any amount of time!

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It's like I'm looking at everything so differently, because I study Psychology I know this is the difference between people who can 'cope' and who can't the way they look at things. But before it was like little things are insigniificant they don't matter because of the enormity of what has happened but now it's like those little things were helping 'perk' me up keep me going but now I don't have anything it feels horrible. I feel like a hypocrite because I never understood how people let these supposedly small things affect them so much but now I'm in that position and no matter how rationally I think the overwhelming feeling of horrible emptiness and just URGH it won't go away I can't function I wanna stop this but I don't know hoW!!

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Guest Nicholas

The sheer feeling of emptiness is one of the worst things, coming back to an empty home, seeing clothes that will never be worn again, cooking utensils never to be used again, places he walked, songs he played ... emptiness and loneliness, and just the pain of missing someone you loved so deeply.

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Looking at his picture on the gonetoosoon website, wanting to talk to him not being able to fathom never being able to do that...such a deep pain so deep its all consuming at that moment you just don't know what to do but what can you do? nothing

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Feels like I have been hollowed out...gutted....a silent house and so few get it...leaving us more alone...

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