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Just Thought I'd Share

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Hi Everyone,

I know we all find ways to feel better and deal with the loss of our loved ones. I thought i would share a book that has helped me feel a bit better. Grieving the Death of A Mother by Herold Ivan Smith. It has quotes and stories of people losing their mothers in many ways. It reminds us that grief doesn't have an expiration date and no one should be felt to "get over it". I related to it very much and maybe you will too.

One of my favorite quotes from the book is "my mother taught me everything, except how to live without her". Because i know this is how i feel everyday. I know in this life i am loved by my friends and fiance. However i dont think anyone will ever love me more than my mom did. And i know this sounds horrible, but i don't know if anyone elses love will ever be enough ....Does anyone else feel the same??

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I read what you wrote: "my mother taught me everything, except how to live without her" and I can't believe how true that is. I miss my Mom more and more with each passing day. It has been since Feb. 2, 2008 and I can't stop this pain. Reminds me of the song "How can i help you to say Goodbye?"

My heart is breaking from missing her so much

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I just want to say how sorry I am for the pain you both are feeling. I wish you continued healing as you move through your loss.

Blessings and Courage, Carol Ann

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YES! I feel the same way. I know my husband and my dad love me very much, but it's just not the same way my mother did.

I'm going to check out the book you mentioned. The one that is helping me is Motherless Daughters: The Legacy of Loss, by Hope Edelman. I bought it a couple of weeks after my mom passed, but I wasn't able to open it until a couple of months later. I've been reading it slowly -- it stirs up a lot of emotion and I can't take more than a chapter at a time.

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