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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

My Whole Day Thrown Off

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I was perfectly fine today. I have my good days and my bad ones when it comes to grieving the loss of my mom. I was fine until i got a letter saying congrats that i have made the deans list in college. My first immediate thought is that i have to tell my mom. My mom always rooted for me especially when it came to school. Honestly she always told me she was proud of me even when i felt like there was nothing to be proud of. i havent even told anyone about the letter because i know she was the one who would have cared the most. it's not a big deal about making the list, it's just knowing i cant share things like these anymore that hurts the most. The reality sets back in that those moments are gone and i have no choice but to live with it. and knowing i have to live the rest of my life not having her support makes me feel hopeless. Today is just a bad day, tomorrow will be better i hope.

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