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HOPELine is a newsletter that comes to us from HOPE for Bereaved, Inc., a not-for-profit community organization providing hope, support and services for the bereaved. (The pdf file is attached and available to download; see below.)

Feature articles in the March 2013 issue include:

  • With the Spring Comes Hope . . .
  • Closure--A Misnomer
  • Learning to Live Fully After Loss
  • Spring Cleaning
  • Poem: Don't Tell Me

Each month, HOPELine is sent to 1200 families throughout Central New York and the United States, and is "looking for articles that inspire hope, help and healing for the bereaved." If you would like to submit an article to appear in HOPEline Newsletter, you can send it to Newsletter Editor Kelly O'Neill-Rossi, krossi1@aol.com



Folks, I have not read all of this March issue yet but I have read part of it and scanned the rest for later. It is loaded with good information and I urge you to take a look at it.


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