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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Posts posted by Gin

  1. I went to the health club today and overheard a conversation that really upset me.  A woman was relating to another woman how hard it was dealing with her husband, who had an eye problem.  She had to drive him everywhere, do a lot for him, etc.. All I could think was how much I would give to be able to do all those things for Al again.  He was not a complainer and tried to do as much as possible right to the end.  I never felt it was a burden helping him.  Sure wish I could be with him again.

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  2. Thanks everyone.  Grandson evidently had several seizures before anyone found him.  He is 26 and lives in his own condo.  His friend found him.  His parents came and called ambulance.  ER gave him a drug for his terrible headache and tried to do an MRI on brain.  He reacted very badly to the headache drug and could not lie still.  He is back home and we are all checking on him.  He has appt. with new neurologist, but not until Jan.  He says he feels better.  The epilepsy medicine he is on makes him very depressed.  Hope they can find a good alternative.  He was diagnosed only about 3 years ago.

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  3. Chicago had a bad snow storm last night.  Lots of wind, rain and then a lot of snow.  My neighbor called me early to tell me that a branch from my tree fell on her electric wire.  She called Com Ed and so did I.  They are so busy with folks who have no power.  We still do.  Then I called the tree people to trim my big evergreen.  Or take it down, if necessary.  They were so busy also and never returned my 3 calls.  A lot of branches scattered all over our yards.  I tried to shovel my back stairs, but it was all ice.  Then the front  stairs and again I could  only do a little.  Went back out two more times and ended up falling. Called someone to shovel, and he said maybe tomorrow.  So,.  Forget shoveling!  Cancel a doc appointment.  Do not go to Bible study.   It is going to br VERY cold tonight.  Wait until Friday and it will rain.   This just intensified the grief.  Miss Al so much.  We used to do this stuff together as best we could.  He would shovel one sidewalk square and me the next.   I probably should leave the house, but I really do not want to.   I just have to calm dow

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  4. Marg,

    I feel totally useless, also!  Nothing I do is of any importance to anyone, myself included.  I tried to volunteer, but they did not seem to want anyone at the nursing home.  I am 79 and maybe that turns them off.  They probably think I should live there!  I have considerable pain in knees and back, so it is hard to do too much.  Everything I see or do reminds me of how much I miss Al.  Maybe I should go out and buy some ice cream!

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  5. Joyce,

    I know how very hard thes days are.  The 4th anniversary without Al is coming very soon for me and I am dreading it.  We were married for   15 years and I miss him so very much.  I do not think there is an easy way to get thru it.  Remembering things makes it harder for me because I do not have that love and closeness any more.  No one can come close to filling that place in my heart.  Joyce, I hope you can have some peace on this special day.  Know we are thinking of you.      Gin

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