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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Everything posted by Penny

  1. I am so sorry Riverbear. I wish I had comforting words to give you...but as you said...they are but words and they haven't helped me in the least. My only advice is to find something to hang on to....find something to live for and find something to do. I know the lonliness. I recently lost both my Mother and my brother...very close to both of them. I am not married and have no children. They were not only my family but my best friends. I am alone too. Your loss is so very recent as well. I wish the pain would ease for you. Riverbear...we have no choice but to continue on. Please find something to hold on to. My thoughts are with you. Penny
  2. Dear Faye...I am so sorry for your losses. We have so much in common. I lost my 14 year old dog in September (9 months ago)....my Mom in October (8 months ago) and my only sibling, my brother in April (2 months ago). Like you...I have never been married and have no children. I am nearing 40 years old and spent the past 12 years taking care of my Mom...who lived with me after my precious Dad died. I know the deep lonliness that you are experiencing. I feel so disconnected....and I don't feel as I belong anywhere...other than with my family. No one loved me or will ever love me like they did...and vice versa. I will not take my own life but I will certainly welcome the day that God calls me to be reunited with my family. The pain is unbearable...so much so that it seems that people can't stand to be around me anymore. I look terrible and feel worse. Please join us at a great website that offers help for those of us who are grieving. The site has specific message boards as well as specific chat rooms. Here is the link. HALO I hope to see you there. Please take care and know that I am thinking about you.
  3. My heart breaks for you all who have suffered a loss and are now having to deal with family strife. The loss itself is devastating enough. I recently lost both my Mom and my brother. I have no other immediate family so I really don't know what you are going through. However...my thoughts and prayers are with you.
  4. You are welcome Hon. You are right...no one understands that hasn't been in your situation. I don't have children...but I've heard that losing a child is the worst pain that there is. I can't imagine anything hurting anymore than what I am experiencing. May God help you...for it must be unbearable. There are many people at HALO that have lost children. My heart simply aches for them. Please join us there. I know beyond a doubt that you will find some comfort there...or at least someone who truly understands your loss. Many hugs to you.
  5. I am so sorry about your loss. I said a prayer for you to find peace in the midst of your despair. I recently lost both my mother and my brother. I know the unbearable pain. I have a suggestion for you. This website seems to have been abandoned. I've witnessed people coming here for help and no one replies...or if they do...it takes days or weeks. My opinion...if this site can't perform the mission it was intended to...it needs to be removed. I have found a great place with many caring people that will respond to your posts on their message boards. They also have chat rooms with moderators that will assist you and lift you up while you are grieving and feeling alone. Please visit there....it is called HALO. Here is the link.... HALO
  6. I am so sorry about your loss. I said a prayer for you to find peace in the midst of your despair. I recently lost both my mother and my brother. I know the unbearable pain.
  7. I am so sorry about your loss. I said a prayer for you to find peace in the midst of your despair. I recently lost both my mother and my brother. I know the unbearable pain. I have a suggestion for you. I have found a great place with many caring people that will respond to your posts on their message boards. They also have chat rooms with moderators that will assist you and lift you up while you are grieving and feeling alone. Please visit there....it is called HALO. Here is the link.... HALO
  8. I am so sorry about your loss. I said a prayer for you to find peace in the midst of your despair. I recently lost both my mother and my brother. I know the unbearable pain. I have a suggestion for you. I have found a great place with many caring people that will respond to your posts on their message boards. They also have chat rooms with moderators that will assist you and lift you up while you are grieving and feeling alone. Please visit there....it is called HALO. Here is the link.... HALO
  9. Hi Dakota. I am so sorry about your brother. It really does hurt....I know. My only sibling..my brother Tommy (age 48) died on April 15....less than 3 weeks ago. We lost our Mom just 6 months ago. So much pain....no relief yet. Hopefully someday soon we will both find peace. Take care.
  10. Don...my heart goes out to you. Grief can make one feel as if they are going crazy. I know for a fact...I've been through it. I was to the point to where I searched for every article I could find on the internet dealing with the effects of grief. I was very glad to find that the feelings I was having were very normal. Even after 4 months down this painful road....I still have a lot of the feelings. Some days are easier while others seem unbearable. May you find peace and comfort soon.
  11. Melanie...I am so sorry for your loss. I am also sorry that I just saw your post. Depression is a very real factor in the grief process. I think it is one of the hardest things to deal with after the death of a loved one. Please visit the following site....it seems to have much more traffic and therefore more supportive of those of us who have lost a loved one. Click here Please take care.
  12. Christine, I am sorry about your Mom. You have some very difficult times ahead of you. Do only what YOU think you can do...and forget about what everyone else says. What is right for one person is not right for everyone. Grief is a very long, exhausting and complicated process. It is very individualized. While we all share the feelings of loss....not everyone reacts or responds in the same manner in the same time frame. Regarding your job....I felt the same way. I went back to work too soon. My Mom's funeral was on Tuesday, Oct. 14, 2003 and I went back to work the following Monday. I tried to work full time that first week back but simply couldn't do it. I decided to work half days the rest of the week. It has been a little over 3 months and I am still lost. It has gotten a little easier....but not much. The pain is still very real. Please take care of yourself....and know that people do care.
  13. I can completely relate to most if not all of these. It has been 3 months since my loss....and I still have an overwhelming degree of these behaviors. The gutwrenching pain is the hardest to take. I wish you peace.
  14. Dear friend... I could have written that very post. I am nearing 40 and my Mom lived with me for the past 12 years since my Dad died. Although I have a good number of friends and family members....I am now living alone for the first time in many years. Mom passed away on Oct 11, 2003. It has devastated me. My advice....from experience over the past 3 months....find a grief counselor in your area. Unfortunately there is not one available in the city where I live. I have been told that it really helps to discuss your feelings with someone that can help you work through them. I am so very sorry for your tremendous loss. I know the heartache and the pain. I know all about being alone and I know about the fear. I also understand about the uncertainty if life can continue on. If you wish to email me...I would love to hear from you. Please contact me at teacher89@cablelynx.com
  15. Hi Diana. I think what you are feeling is very normal. My Mom lived with me for 12 years before she passed away on Oct 11 of this year. It has been less than 3 months and I still cry every day. It is too painful for me to think of her very often. I am told that the day will come when I can think of her and smile instead of cry. I'll be glad when that day arrives for you and me both. Take care.
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