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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

Just Trying To Keep Going

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After a long a grueling battle against cancer, I lost my mother last May. My parents did a great job teaching us about death and coping mechanisms growing up as they were never really ones to sugarcoat the real factors in life. Despite their efforts to prepare my siblings and I, I still have such a hard time handling how much I miss my mom. I know that I could of had her for 20 more years and it would still feel like I lost her too soon but I just want to be able to talk to her. Don't get me wrong, I do talk to her but its not the same when she doesn't talk back. It just really, really hurts to not be able to really share my life with her anymore. For instance, I recently moved and by no means was it a far move or that big of a change but knowing that I was leaving the last place my mom saw hurt and makes my new house feel like it is missing such a big part of what makes it a home. Will I ever feel like I am at home again or I am bound to have this empty feeling in this house and future houses? 

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Hi, welcome here.  I am so sorry for the loss of your mom.  I lost my dad 38 years ago, my mom just 5 1/2 years ago although it feels more like yesterday.  My husband died nearly 15 years ago and my mom was one who understood that loss as everyone else in the family still has their spouses.  

I think as time goes on we begin to adjust to the changes it makes for our lives, but it can take quite a while to process it...can't say how long as everyone's relationship is different and so are our coping skills/adjustment.  But leaving that first place where she lived, well that is bound to be a big adjustment.  It will feel like home as you fill it with new memories.  Always you will love and miss your mom, that will never change but we are dealing with the changes in our everyday routines and interactions with them, can take a long while.

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