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Strange Eating Habits


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I was wondering if anyone else went through strange eating habits after losing someone. From the day my dad got sick, until months after he died, I could not eat anything sweet (the very thought of a cookie, a piece of candy or anything like that made me sick) and I couldn't eat vegetables (which I love). I finally got over it, but it was months before I did. Now that my mom is gone, I only want sweets, especially ice cream. I eat regular food, but always feel kind of queasy afterwards. The only thing that doesn't make me feel that way is sweet stuff! It's crazy! Anyone else go through anything like that?



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Hi Shell,

After my mom died I ate nothing much at all, The only reason I did eat is that I just could not fight that hunger feeling you get after not eating for so long... Than it was sweets and things that I knew I should eat but felt like I wanted more than ever.... When my dad died I could not eat anything that he would have made me for dinner for the longest time... I have acid reflux and since I have not eaten properly for such a long time I am having trouble with it more than ever... I am seeing someone to help me figure out how to eat better now but I still have trouble with my grief over certain months so it is so hard to eat when I am so sad with these certain months.... Like June was bad because it would have been my dad's birthday and of course it has Father's day in that month and May because of Mother's day... August looks to be bad as well because that is the month I lost my dad and my favorite uncle as well... April was also bad for me because I lost another favorite uncle and also my mom... March has bad moments too as I lost my favorite aunt too... SO you see I have problems in so many months that eating is just as much a problem as other things.... Take care Shelley

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Count me into the odd eating habits group. It comes and goes, but it's more appetite than type of food with me. Sometimes, I'll think I'm starving, take one bite and can hardly swallow it. It happens less often now, but I lost 30+ lbs. in the months following Tanya's death, which was about 10 lbs. too many for me. - Steve

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After my father died, I finished up some food items he had bought shortly before his stroke such as a bag of bagels, a bottle of grape juice, and a bottle of apple cider. For a long time, I developed a regular taste for them. I always like bagels, grape juice and apple cider, but more so during this time. Maybe I thought in a strange sense it was a way for me to reconnect with him.

Anyway, I guess these were the odd eating habits I had for a time.


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I did not drink a cup of coffee for 6 mos. i always drank a couple every morning. i also went through a period of time when i could barely eat. the anxiety and panic attacks took over. the meds have helped withthat i have gained my wt back. i think it is all part of the grieving process. to me it all STINKS!! lori

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Hi All,

Thanks for your replies. I went through the not eating because of anxiety too. And then once I got on meds and could eat again, I sometimes overate. I just thought it weird that I couldn't eat sweets or vegetable, but when our whole body is so out of whack due to our grief, I guess it's just something that happens!



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Hey shell.

Aside from the usual of not eating/eating too much, I went through a brief obsession with chocolate ice cream. It disappeared for a while, then returned with a vengeance a year ago, still is with me.

It has to be chocolate ice cream, not just any ice cream. Any kind of chocolate, but just chocolate. Regular chocolate; double fudge chocolate brownie; chocolate chip chocolate; chocolate cookie dough; chocolate chocolate; whatever. No Neapolitan, had to be just chocolate. Special kinds that reduce the number of calories or fat is OK, too, that way I can eat more! :lol:

No chocolate candy, either, just chocolate ice cream, whatever variety, as long as it was chocolate. I think you see the pattern.

Sometimes my strange eating habits coincide with nostalgic or emotional connections with the food. My Mom was a big salad eater, but it was a long while before I can eat salad. And when I finally did, I felt it was a victory. I still shy away from it now and then, but not as often.

I am not sure if it's a dietary imbalance, such as you're lacking in some mineral or vitamin that gets you to crave something, if so, why don't I go after chocolate candy? Or other forms of ice cream? I don't crave milk, or other dairy products, either.

It's a puzzle. Mom was a chocoholic, but I don't think that's it. If it was, I'd be stockpiling Hershey's Kisses.

If it isn't chocolate ice cream, not interested.

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