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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

Death Is A Wound

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I read this the other day and thought it was interesting and decided to share it with all of you.

To the living death is a wound, its name is grief. Its companion is loneliness. Whenever it comes, whatever its guise. Even when there are no tears-death is a wound. But death belongs to life as night belongs to day. As darkness belongs to light. As shadows belong to substance. As the fallen leaf to the tree. As time to eternity. So death belongs to life. It is not out purpose to live forever, it is only our purpose to live. It is no added merit that life is long. It is of merit only that we make life good.

Rabbi Alvin I Fine.

Love always


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To everyone

I had to go a doctor today for my blood pressure. 170/104 and I now going to have to take blood pressure medicine. I thought that might be the problem since I have been so dizzy the last few weeks. I went to a new doctor. I couldn't bear to go to the one that last was with Will. I have never had a problem with my blood pressure but I told her what all has happened in the last six months. My husband, my father dying and I have days, good, bad and worse. She told me if the bad and worse don't go away in 2 weeks to call her back, it's been long enough. We all here know it is not enough until we decide. I am just having a really bad night. I tire so of having to meet everyone elses expectations.


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You were so kind answering my post and here you are in so much pain tonight! NO ONE and I mean NO ONE has the right to tell anyone how long is long enough to grieve! You do not have to live up to anyone's expectations except your own. You have come a long way in so little time. Everyone, even people who are not going through mourning have good, bad and worse days. From what I can see in your posts you are doing fine. Just keep coming here and getting the positive reinforcement from friends. I will keep you in my prayers for your blood pressure and will pray that your good days increase.

Hugs and prayers,


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