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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

We Have To Be Strong To Survive...


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I've been told, as many of you, that I'm a strong person. I feel I need to confess some history. My childen and I were "victims" of physical, mental, and emotional abuse from my ex-hsband for 24 years. My youngest son, Danny, I feel is the worst victim with schitzophrenia (I know that's chemical imbalance) but depression as well. My children have never communicated with their father, except for my daughter who felt an obligation until she, herself, found out what he was like (thank goodness he never wanted to try for the boys) for most of their teen-age years and into adulthood and neither have I. Then I was with a wonderful man for five years and going to be married and he died in a truck accident. I was by myself for another long time until the most perfect man for me came along. His wife (my best friend) died of cancer and we eventually got together. When I speak of how I've progressed, I do mean it. It's taking a long time. As so many of you, I've had these experiences that, someone told me not too long ago, you just have sadness in your eyes. Jack always said, "Dear, I'm going to make you better." I certainly do feel sad, lumps in my throat even when I'm at church - and I'm really trying hard there. I think this might be the journal they say we need to do, but I'm giving it to you guys. I, too, miss so much we were looking forward to, and I have tears in my eyes, too. Thank you for listening.

Your friend, Karen :wub:;)

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Oh Karen that is such a special thing to share with us with meeting your new special person. At this point I can't imagine being with anyone else but Steve, but at least you have made me realize that it is a possibility to move on and make a new life. Thanks so much for sharing that, and I am so sorry for the abuse with your ex-husband to you and your children. You are a special lady.


Wendy :wub:

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I'm so honored you shared your story with us and so sorry it is such a tragic and sad one. I'm also so sad that you lost Jack, but glad that you had him in your life. Everyone we become close to stays with us forever, sometimes not too good (in the case of your ex) but we are molded in some ways by the many relationships we have, I think. I know that Jack is still watching over you and is still "making you better". You are, indeed, a strong woman, and that is something to be proud of.

A big hug,


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