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The only 2 people that I am really irritable with are my parents.I feel so guilty. They have been wonderful to me, They are 76 and 70 years old respectively. They live in a flatlet away from our main family home, but on the same properyty My Mom cooks each evening, they go out of their way to help me, I actually feel like their little girl who needs loking after, But I find myself becoming impatient with them for the following reasons:

They are often checking everything( minor details) with me e.g care of plants, menu other minor details

They talk while I am watching a programme on telly or concentrating on something

They interuupt....

They worry when I am out, I feel obligated to tell them where I am

I know they mean well and I really dont want to hurt them, and I feel it will take too much energy out of me to talk to them about my petty irritations

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I really don't know what to say, my step mom stayed with me for about 2 weeks after Karen died and while she was there I didn't feel like there was any expectation for me to check in with her. At that time I didn't do much anyway other than go to work and then come home so that mioght be why. I have found that irratability is normal, there are so many little things that really don't matter but just get under your skin so easily. All I can suggest is to pray and ask for help and understanding. I am sure you know that they are only wanting the best for you and are trying to help in the only way they know how.

Love always


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Is there any way you could go away for a few days or even longer? Just to get off by yourself to be quiet, do what you want to, and think. On the other hand, and I know you don't want to hear this, be glad your parents care about you. Once you lose them, you will miss these irritations, believe me! That's not to say that I don't understand how you feel, really I do. I just threw that in to maybe help you think about it from a different angle.



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Thanx Shell, thats my fear, I love them so much and I know that they could die at anytime and I know that would be aweful for me , cause I want to be okay with them. So my prayer is for God to give me more patience and love and tolerance for them, and also for God to warn me before they die, so I could give them a bumper amoiunt of love and time...Erica x

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As I said, I really do understand your feelings. Even when my mom was sick, I sometimes got so tired and overwhelmed that I would snap at her occassionally, and of course felt terribly guilty about it! But I finally forgave myself and realized I'm not superhuman and it happens. Especially when you are grieving, patience seems to disappear, but it will return, so don't worry. Good luck and don't be too hard on yourself.



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