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Wonder What My Friend Would Think Of Me Now?

Guest Gamer205

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Guest Gamer205

For those that don't know me or my story here is my link from griefhealing in this very fourm that I posted about the loss of my best friend in 2004,


I sometimes wounder what my best friend would think of me now,How would he think I have handled his death,What would his views be on the things we cared so much about,its always hard for me when I here big news about stuff that we were into mostly video gameing and wrestling,Sometimes I think boy I wounder what he would have thought about that?

I miss him a lot,We did a lot together and sometimes it gets hard because you can't be with him anymore or talk on the phone,and MartyT has seen my story and how we were close,I just wounder sometimes all the things we would have done and talked about up to this point head he not have died,

Anyway thats what I wanted to post about,

Thanks Everyone. :(

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Hi there,

My grandson and his dad are both gamers. My son-in-law does it world wide in car racing and motorcycle racing. They sure love it. I know your friend feels badly because you're having a hard time. I feel he wants you to be a little happy and doing some things you both might have done. Carry his wonderful memory with you and try to be happy you had the time you did. That kind of friendship will always be with you. You're lucky to have had it. Hang in there.

Your friend, Karen :wub:;)

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Guest Gamer205

Thank you very much,I do love this place because everyone is just so nice and understanding, :)

Its hard sometimes,but I do try its just seems to be a day to day or year to year there times when I'm fine and times when I just am wore down,

but anyway thanks.

I have the playstation2 right now in about 2 months I will be geting the new playstation3 that is around $400 to $500 I'm excited about that, I'll enjoy that as much as I love video games,My Friend would have really enjoyed the Playstation3,


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I'm not sure what my grandson, Jason, has 'cause he's working as assistant football coach at a university, but I know he has a great flat screen TV. He graduated from college a year ago. But he plays I think it's called games from Wii, and does something with a guitar and a bunch of other stuff. His dad and my daughter live near me and they have a "huge" flat TV screen and he plays all kinds of games on it, some that are international. He had to limit himself somewhat because it was getting into a real habit and no work done around the house. It's good you have that interest. It sure can keep you busy. Take care.

Your friend, Karen :wub:;)

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I do the same thing, go to stores and see something I know my mom or dad, or others that I've lost, would like and always feel a little sad about it. I just talk to them in my head like they were with me, crazy as that sounds! I'm sure your friend is right there beside you when you're playing, urging you on!



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Guest Gamer205

Hey karenb I know you don't rember those music games they play but My Guess would be ethier rock band or Gutair hero,They also have American idol out so it could be any of those or one I'm not thinking of,

Thanks for your post,They help. :(


I do the same thing, go to stores and see something I know my mom or dad, or others that I've lost, would like and always feel a little sad about it. I just talk to them in my head like they were with me, crazy as that sounds! I'm sure your friend is right there beside you when you're playing, urging you on!



Thanks Shell,I think everyone needs to here things like that from time to time, :(

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