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Race For The Cure


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I wrote a new song. I was going to race yesterday but due to unfortunate events I was not able to. My 16 year old neighbor has been in the hospital. She has been battling Hodgkins Lymphoma and recently had hip surgery in hopes of not having to have a full hip replacement. Due to her being in the hospital her mom who is like my other mom wasn't able to go to the race either and she had our shirts and numbers. Either way I'm going to try again next year and in an effort to show I care about the race I wrote this song. If you are a member and lost one of your relatives to Breast Cancer I hope this song helps you. Pray for those fighting, those who won the fight and those who lost the fight. Thanks guys.

Race for the Cure

Chilly October morning

always on a Sunday

get ready to go

it's time to race..

drive to the race site

meet some new friends

some have lost the fight

others won't let it end

Race for the Cure

don't give up the fight

one things for sure

it just feels right

come save a life

its worth fighting for

come and have some fun

Race for the Cure

Walk a single mile

or maybe five

its all worth while

you'll feel alive

Race for yourself

and your loved ones

those who are fighting

and those who've won..

Race for the Cure

don't give up the fight

one things for sure

it just feels right

come save a life

its worth fighting for

come and have some fun

Race for the Cure

For your mother

for your sister

for your daughter

for yourself!!

Race for the Cure

don't give up the fight

one things for sure

it just feels right

come save a life

its worth fighting for

come and have some fun

Race for the Cure

we'll save some lives

it's worth fighting for

we'll have some fun

at Race for the Cure..

Edited by babybrat07
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