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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

Theft Of Deceased Person's Identity

Karen MH

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Like many people, Sid and I experienced several credit card fraud attempts on our account last year. We consequently had to slog through disgusting paperwork, phone calls, followup credit checks, and just plain exasperation.

Unfortunately, identity theft is a threat not only for the living, but especially for the dead. Thieves read obituaries or even attend funerals to get a deceased person's name, birth date, and death date, and with that information get the social security number. Then the thief raids your loved one's accounts for a very long time before anyone finds out.

Because Vital Statistics takes a month to issue death certificates in Maricopa County, there's another possible scenario: again from obituary or funeral information, the thief goes to the Department of Motor Vehicles, and says, "My name is Sid________. I've lost my driver's license and need a replacement." Because DMV does not know for a full month that Sid________ is dead, the department hands over a new driver's license. The thief is once again off and running.

Following are some precautions that reduce chances of idendity theft when there is a death. Perhaps, you know others...

Notify your credit card company(ies) immediately after the death

Do not publish the obituary until

1. the death certificates have arrived, and

2. you have written to each of the three credit rating agencies with a copy of the death certificate

Hope this helps someone out there...

*** btw, don't leave your house unattended while at a memorial service, etc. ***

Karen MH

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Guest moparlicious


This really makes me sick to my stomach. This has happened to me, 5 months after Dan died someone stole my identity and has ruined my credit for many years. Police, and credit agencies are involved, but it continues. The sick people who steal a deceased ones identity, one can only hope they get pulled over or something when they do this. Some sicko started a my space in Dan's name and tried collecting money for him, after he was passed. I contacted my space and had this account deleted promptly. Any human who would do any of this and disrespect our loved ones in this manner should be ashamed of themselves. You only have to answer to one person in the end. Kim

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Wow, Kim. my heart goes out to you in all that you have suffered.

I never imagined a crook setting up a bogus memorial fund!!! Unbelievable. :angry2::angry2::angry2:

So... clever woman that you are, HOW did you discover the My Space in Dan's name???

Sad to say, evidently we all need to learn how...

Gratefully, Karen MH

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Guest moparlicious


A old high school friend called me and said she found Dan's my space and asked if he had cancer and I said Yes why and she told me of the monetary request, I did some investigating typed in his name sure enough, I notified police and credit agencies not to metion Tom, who created the site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It still angers me to the core!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love, Kim

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Dear Karen,

Thank you for your post. My dad had some stuff stolen when he was at the hospital in September, and I believe his driver's license was taken, as well as some notebooks (which I have been looking for, but realized they must be amongst the stolen things). So, you say the DMV is notified at most a month after? Well good, I hope they know now (it's been about 2 months), 'cause I don't want some guy running around with my dad's driver's license!

:( I would've loved to have it, too, to keep.

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