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Dog Killed By Car


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Recently, my cairn terrier was hit and killed by a car while I was visiting my parents house. Normally, she was never off leash but while visiting them I usually let her run a bit free in the country. I have another cairn that was a little older but they were very close and my wife and I are having a very hard time dealing with it. We were married last year and have no kids (yet at least) Our dogs are/were a huge part of our lives and I just had no idea how hard it could be to lose (as other people have been saying "just a dog.") I feel great guilt having let her run free in spite of the fact that my wife always disagreed with me letting her. I did it out of love knowing she loved it and always reasoned that if constantly leashed and kenneled then if she ever got out she'd be gone. I was the one who discovered her and ignorantly thought she was stretching out in the street. I drove up and then realized that she'd been hit and knew she was gone as soon as I saw her little face and eyes wide open and now that image haunts me. I don't feel like I can really talk to anyone but my wife about what I feel but it just hurts so much and I miss my little girl so badly that its as if she was a child. I also feel so sorry for my other male terrier and that he is lonely and misses his friend. I worry that he'll never develop another bond with another dog like he did with her and that breaks my heart to think about.

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I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your dog. You came to the right place to talk about it. It has really helped me. I hope you and your wife can find peace in the loving memories that you will always cherish. They sure touch our hearts, don't they?

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That is really sad about your dog getting hit. As far as bonding with another dog, people say they do. I had a dog die at 6 months due to hip dysplasia (she had to be put down) and I did have trouble, at first, when we got another dog a year later. But now, after having her a year, I can't imagine how close the bond is.

In my opinion people will understand and empathize. How many times does one spouse not be as careful as the other one wants them to be? You didn't think anything was going to happen. Your wife knows that you loved that dog.

I'm very sorry for your loss.


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My dear friend,

I'm so sorry for your loss, and I can only imagine how painful this must be for you and your family. I want to point you to some previous posts in hopes that their content may be helpful to you:

I Miss My Dog Very Much, http://hovforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?s=&a...post&p=5360

My Cat’s Brother is Grieving,


Comforting Surviving Pets, http://hovforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?s=&a...post&p=9158

How to Help Sibling Dogs Grieve, http://hovforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?s=&a...ost&p=16205

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