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I don't know how but I made it through my anniversary. There were a few tearful episodes that really hurt but I seemed to spend most of the day in a quiet, numb fog.

My best friend, my sister and my brother helped immensely throughout the day with texts and phone calls giving me their love. I really don't deserve any of them because yesterday I was a selfish self pitying individual. They stuck by me despite this.

My parents and inlaws also offered their support.

I also want to thank you for giving me the encouragement, love and support also needed to survive yesterday.

Love you all!


Dear John,

You are allowed to be selfish and having self pity...this is what happens with grieving the major loss of our loved ones...I'm glad that you made it through the anniversary and that you were with loved ones to get you thru...Have a safe New Years Eve...Bless you Rochel


Hi John,

I am so glad you have the support of your family and friends. This will help on this long journey.I know New Years will be difficult and I hope that sharing your happy memories of your wife will help you through the evening and into 2010.

Take care.

Mary Lou

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