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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

I Havn't Even Had A Chance To Grieve For My Grand Dad

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My Grandfather passed away in April a couple weeks before my wife. He is the father figure in my life since my dad was not around. He is the man that gave me my work ethic, morals, and values in life that have made me the man I am today. I have been on this site for days talking about the loss of my wife and have yet to mention him. I have not even had a chance to grieve for him at all. The day I went to his funeral, all I could think of was getting home to take care of my wife who was battling the final stages of ovarian cancer. I don't even know where to begin to grieve for him as my heart is so heavy for my wife right now it's all I can think about. I went to counseling Sat. to try to get started and the counselor said we would work on that also. I am starting to get overwhelmed again just when I thought I could begin to breathe a little again.


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I am so sorry for the loss of you wife and grandfather. Wow, within weeks of each other, I don't know how us humans are supposed to even begin to process something like that. One is difficult enough. My heart goes out to you.

I wish I had wise words but I don't. But I can send you lots of hugs and love.

Hopefully with the help of a counsellor you will be able to begin to grieve your Grandfather aswell, I can't imagine the pain, the confusion of it all for you.

But you have lots of sweet friends in grief here always ready to listen anytime.



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Hi Bill,

You got a big mountain to climb ahead of you, and it is going to be difficult long hike ahead. But we all have to climb that mountain and spend ourselves till we are exhausted and hopefully find our peace.

Take care,


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