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Well, I finally had enough nerve to join Weight Watchers and at last nights weigh in I lost 9.8 pounds!! I wish I had done this when Tim was alive, but he always told me he loved me just the way I was, and that he wanted me to spend the time I would of spent at meetings with him. He always made me feel good about myself and perk me up when I was down. I miss him and his support so much. It will be 4 months the 31st and some days feel just the the days after his death. My heart just feels so empty sometimes and I wonder how I can go on without him, but then I know God has a plan and he will guide be through all this pain. Thank you all for the support you have given me, and I hope I have given some of that back to others. God Bless


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Chrissie, good for you going to Weight Watchers and losing the weight. I'm sure Tim is very proud of you and you should be proud of yourself. Making those "firsts" are so hard regardless of what it is.

It will be six months coming up for me, I know what you mean when you say your heart is empty. Every once in awhile it feels like things are becoming bearable, them Wham.. you get slammed again. I only am able to go on some days knowing that there is no pain and suffering anymore. I get selfish once in a while and wish he was here regardless of how much he was suffering.

Hope you keep up the good work with W.W.

Hugs, Lainey

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Hi Chrissie,

That is wonderful, weight watchers, it will make you feel good, and that is a good thing, god does have a plan for us, I wish I knew what it was, but there is something. I lost Johnny on A;pril 6, married 43 years and he wasen't sick a day in his life until 3 weeks before he passed, so who knows??? I wish you well and hope you accomplish what you want.

Take care of yourself


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Good for you! How long have you been at it, or did you just start? Don't send your lost pounds my way! :wacko:

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Good for you! I have found that setting goals, no matter how small, have helped me get through day by day.


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