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I had this strange dream the night of his memorial. Ive been thinking about it for 5 days. I feel silly talking about it but it really spooked, and wowed me. So here it goes.

In my dream this is an adolencent girl, heavy set and dark complected. She doesnt look like me, but I know its me. She is in the hospital visitng her grandpa who is dying. The grandpa's room is placed in the same spot my husbands was. In the back corner. Then it goes to night time. The little girl is at home, and gets a blanket to bring to her dying grandpa. In the middle of the night she goes back to his hospital room. You can see a man in the bed, but not his face. He is cover up with a sheet/blanket. Anyways the little girl tells her grandpa, "Its ok, just tell them that your ready." And all of a sudden, a spirit/ghost comes from the body. It looks up and there is a beam of light, and the spirit says 'Im ready' and ascends into the light. Just then in my dream for some reason I realize that the man was not my grandpa. I woke scared stiff, and it was warm and heavy in the room. (from no air or something else, I'm not sure) I was so scared I couldnt move from my spot for an hour, and couldnt sleep for the rest of the nite.

Im sure it was just my brain playing tricks, but it gives me some comfort to think my husband was passing along a message.

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This seems to be a dream with a very specific message, so though there is always the possibility that our subconscious is at work, I believe that our loved ones do send us messages. I have had many dreams of Scott, but one where I believe he came to see me. Take comfort from yours as I did from mine.


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Perhaps he's assuring you that he had been ready to go. I don't know much about dream interpretation, I think most of the time we can figure it out, it has to do with our subconscious mind and what's in it, but there's other times I think it's so complicated it'd take an expert to tell us what it means.

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