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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

Support Group

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Has anyone started their own support group??? Any suggestions or ideas?? Could all of you who are attending support groups please pass on the format of the meetings, discussions, etc. There are no support groups where I live but lots of widows so was thinking maybe I should just start one. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


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Dear Sally,

The support group I go to is church based. We have a workbook that we follow. There is a short video on the weeks topic. After the video we break into our assigned groups and discuss(with a facilitator) the video, our feelings and any other topic one of us wants to bring up. We have the choice of answering the questions in the book or not. I have found by filling it in, I am learning more about how I am able to cope with my grief.

I am also involved with another group, that was started by an individual who couldn't find what she needed. We meet twice a month at a local coffee shop and generally spend an hour or so talking about how we are coping.

Have you checked with the church or hospital in your area to see if they could direct you to a group?

Hope this helps a little.


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