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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

5 Year Loss

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I lost my Mom on July 12th , 2000 ...It has been so very hard on me as we were so close...She lived next door to me for past 28 years and was my best friend...I have not been well and I am on Avinza (Morphine) for my pain...I feel like I am holding my husband back from having a good time and going places when he wants to go...I don't feel like going out much as my pain gets in the way...I have bad thoughts in my mind and I know I should not have them but you feel like if you are out of the way, life for others would be so improved...I know I am ready to see my Mom and meet my Dad who passed away of heart attact at age 33.. Please help me to make the right descession.. I am Lost!!! sad.gif

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My dear friend,

I'm so sorry to learn of the death of your mother, and I'm sorry, too, to learn that you are in so much pain -- pain that is physical as well as emotional. I understand that you feel lost, but fate is such that you managed to find your way to this site, and I pray that now you will consider yourself found instead of lost.

I can assure you that here you are among kindred souls -- people who know from experience all different kinds of pain, people who are struggling just as you are struggling -- and they are some of the most compassionate people you could ever hope to meet, anywhere. I hope you will spend some time reading some of the messages posted in each of our forums, and as you come to know the wonderful people here, I think you will discover that you are not alone.

I want to point you to two Web sites that I strongly encourage you to visit, and soon. They are these:



By coming to our Grief Healing Discussion Groups and openly sharing your greatest concerns and most private thoughts, you've taken the first important steps toward saving yourself, my friend. Please, please keep going. We are here for you, we care deeply about what happens to you, and every single one of us is pulling for you.

Wishing you peace and healing,

Marty T

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