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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

Easter Greetings

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Thank you, Harry! It certainly did not turn out as I thought it would. I'd practiced for our Easter Program (I'm in the choir) for over two months...and then was not able to attend as I came down with Conjunctivitis Saturday night. I was supposed to have a friend come stay with me but she canceled on me mid-Saturday...I had gotten up at 4:00 am to clean and cook in preparation so when she canceled I found myself with the rest of the day to call my own. So I loaded up my dog and headed to the park, taking him to some picnic tables between the A&W and Subway afterwards. Lo and behold, who should approach, but my son! He had led me to believe he wouldn't be able to come home from college, wanting to surprise me, and I was surprised...but so was he because he hadn't planned to run into me before he made it home! So my son and I ended up spending Easter together, waiting for my daughter and her husband to arrive. It turned out to be a wonderful day...just not quite as I had envisioned!

I hope everyone here had a good day...I know it's hard without your loved ones, I will never forget my first Easter after George died...I dispensed with it, having had my fill of "holidays without..." but somehow the second year seemed slightly easier than the first had in that respect.

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