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Today Is My Birthday

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Today is going to be really tough. My Mom and I had plans to celebrate my 50th birthday today but she is gone and I feel like I am here all alone. She was my rock and always knew what to say and how to help and support me. I really never thought how hard it would be to celebrate without her. Easter was really tough but now my birthday is even harder. She always made it special, even in some small way over the last years since my Dad passed away. My husband is not close with his family and so there is little or no support for me there. Sometimes it seems like I just don't know how to keep going without her.

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Guest Nicholas

Happy Birthday!

Since my son died in December 2010, I have already had to go through his birthday, my birthday, both my sisters' birthdays, my mother's birthday, my oldest friend's birthday and most recently my only nephew's birthday! It is really difficult and I hope you get through it OK.


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Birthday Wishes to you Cat_Lady, I know it's a real tough day. I struggle a lot with all these holidays and anniversaries now, there's always such a huge void.

The simple thing of not seeing my Dad's name on a birthday card always hurts.Parents do make bdays special, the day is empty without them.

I know on my birthday and my Dad's I always have one of his fav cakes, just a little "new" routine, although on my own there's still a special tie to my Dad doing this.

wishing you as much peace and comfort as possible for today hun,



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Dear Cat_Lady,

I am really sorry for your loss. That is something you never get over. Things will get better, but will never be the same. I have been living without my mom since I was 13. It's very difficult to say the least. From the sound of your post, it seems as if you may have just lost her recently. Think how fortunate you were to have her for as long as you did. You are not alone. There are plenty of us out here that know your pain and lonliness. By the way, I am a cat lady too and they are a blessing to have around. Take care of you.



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