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Grief Healing Discussion Groups



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A friend of mine who has lost her pet, doesn't seem that she want to talk about it because she said she'll cry and my friends who has lost her important loved ones, already seem to recover but I feel like I wouldn't want to remind them. Yes, I always handle grieve alone. I really think am broken, I have been hanging on grief grip. And it's weird. I wonder why once I think about my loved ones, I get mad and want my best friend to die to. It's like too much and am already obsessed with this pain.

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Teeek, dear, I can only say to you again, please, please find someone to talk to about all of this. You are most welcome to continue to share what you're thinking and feeling on this site, and I hope you will continue to do so ~ but I also think you need (and deserve!) more than an online discussion group can offer you. Isn't there a relative, neighbor, friend, favorite teacher, school counselor, clergy person, family doctor, SOMEone in your circle with whom you can talk about what is going on with you? Where are your parents in all of this?

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