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Lost My Husband Of 33 Years

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So sorry you are in a financial hardship now. Taking care of and doing all we want to for them while in the hospital should not put any spouses in this situation. It is horrible!

I guess I can only thank goodness we had BC/BS insurance under my husband's job, they have been excellient, and I guess doctors and hospitals just accept their payment, no questions asked. I could not believe the hospital write off. Now just waiting for the next hospital bill, from the hospital he was in the longest to come through, and what that payment will be.

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Just don't be quick to pay it. I was in a fog when George died and I wish I'd consulted an attorney about it, but in Oregon you are not responsible for your spouse's debts...something I wasn't aware of. Make sure you ARE responsible before agreeing to pay for ANYTHING!

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No, I am not going to have to pay for anything, through my husband's job and where he worked, they will pick up the balance for what our insurance does not pay. I am very fortunate, but it does not mean that all the insurance billings do not make me sick, and concerned for others. It is a very sad situation.

I am so sorry you had to go through this, and still having to. Our son has told me we need to talk to a probate lawyer, just in case, because my husband and I did not have wills. I am so thankful that I have our son, with his knowledge of financial issues and such to help me.

Today was 4 weeks since my husband passed, I thought at 4:15, the time of his passing, I would break down, but thankfully, a friend sent me a message, and talking took my mind away from that time today. But it is still so hard tonight. Two nights ago, I woke myself up, talking in my sleep. I knew I was talking in my sleep, but I kept saying out loud, to my husband, why are you not answering me, the third time I sort of woke up, dream like state, sat up in bed to ask my husband again, why he was not answering me, looked over to the empty side of the bed, realizing why he was not answering me, and just fell back in the bed, so distraught. Hard night to be sure.

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Cindy, that's hard. I'm glad you made it through the one month mark. These markers can be tough to get through sometimes, it'll get better eventually. (((hugs)))

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