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the right place at the right time

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I was thinking today about the day I met Michael....how everything in the universe truly lined up so we would meet

I was 22 years old and had just gotten out of a rocky 4 year relationship. I was living in Oklahoma with my mother and her boyfriend and i decided to go visit my grandparents in California. Being young and poor I bought a greyhound bus ticket. 

When the bus pulled up I was saying good-bye to my mother when I noticed this gorgeous man step off the bus and go into the convenience store.

I boarded the bus and started to read a book I brought ....out of the corner of my eye I noticed the gorgeous man I saw earlier get back on the bus and sit two rows behind me. 

Minutes later I hear a voice from behind me ask me what I was reading. I glanced up and looked into the most beautiful blue-green eyes I have ever seen in my life. I showed him my book...he asked my name.....we spent the next 15 hours learning everything about each other

He was traveling from Missouri to Tucson so at some point we had to go our separate ways but we exchanged phone numbers and by the time I arrived in Los Angeles I had a message waiting from him....less than a week later I came to Tucson to visit him and I never left. 

I think about all the things that could have been different that would have caused us to never meet and I am so thankful the universe put us exactly where we needed to be so I could look into his beautiful blue-green eyes

Edited by Harleyquinn
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I can remember the day my life changed, too.  It was a lonely Sunday afternoon, and I was in a chat room on Yahoo.  I came across a name that sounded interesting and decided to reach out to him.  Well, we chatted for a few hours that day, and continued on for about a month until we met in person...and my heart was stolen.  He was the personification of a Texas gentleman, and remained the same until the day he died on December 4, 2014.  I believe in the right place, right time and that I met Mark for a reason.  My life now has been forever altered again.  I miss hearing his voice, and listening to his corny jokes.  I miss everything about him, even his snoring.  You story was so heartwarming and just shows us that things happen for a reason.

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Michael and I had a short time together- much shorter than I ever wanted. our marriage did not last unfortunately due to drug addictions he had. however, our love did. I continued to love him and he continued to love me even tho we couldn't be together. 

i wonder sometimes why the universe would spend so much time making sure we were both in that place at that exact moment (years of choices really put us there..not a single day or decision)  for such a short lived life together. i'll never know. I am thankful for the years I had with him...no matter how short they were. 

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Mark and I met in 2006, were married in 2009 and he died in 2014.  It was such a short time, but the love that was there was deep and fulfilling.  I am still at a selfish point where I wanted more time; I deserved more time.  But I will learn to cherish the memories we created. 

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