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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

This journey is physical as well as emotional

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Here is my story: It was a typical Sunday morning when I brought my life partner of 27 years (Beej) her coffee. She looked up at me with a slight grimace on her face and said, "Hon, I feel some discomfort right her and she pointed to her tummy just under her breast bone. I told her, "It will probably pass." Like it had so many times before. Only this time it got worse and worse and within hours she was extremely sick and throwing up with incredible painful spasms in her gut. This same thing had happened to her before but miraculously she always rebounded and was fine within a couple of days. The doctors would say it was diverticulitis or gastritis. She had had many female surgeries in the past including a complete hysterectomy so I knew something pretty serious could be causing this and it was time to take action. I called the ambulance and they came quick and brought her to the ER at the nearest hospital. Well, there the surgeons decided that it was best to take a wait and see stance instead of opening her up immediately to see what was going on. She was admitted to the hospital and after a long and very scary and painful story she died from multiple organ failure caused by sepsis...all of her internal organs had died from this bacteria and lack of oxygen. Sepsis is a very dangerous condition of the blood which if allowed to go on in most cases ends in death. I wasn't even in shock at this point. In my mind perhaps I would see her again or some miracle would happen where it was all a mistake. When it finally hit me and my anxiety kicked in my blood pressure shot up to 195 over 110...it's usually 120 over 70. I was in sort of a panic mode where I thought I might die as well. How would I be able to cope with this...this is pure chaos. We had no children it was only me and her completely interdependent on each other. We would carpool to work...we would do everything as a couple. We loved to go hiking in the mountains. We loved our animals...we loved the same tv shows...she paid the bills, I took out the garbage and cleaned the litter boxes.  We were in the middle of at least 4 big projects, planning our summer vacation and just going through life together then suddenly and unexpectedly this happened. Now that it's coming up on almost 4 months I am still having a roller coaster of emotions and learning to live life alone as a single 53 year old guy...not an easy task. I still have to care for my kitties, all 6 of them and have a large house too big for just me. I have to go on with my life ...even though it's so very difficult. I must carry on...

Edited by santiken
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Hi Santiken,

I am so sorry for your loss. Grief is very much physical. I've said I can feel my heart physically hurt. my body feel physically sick, although there is nothing wrong with me. i've done my best to eat healthy and stay physically active to help my body cope but there is still definitely a physical aspect to the grief.  

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OMG, santiken, I am so sorry! What a horrible experience!  Sepsis is very dangerous, I had a friend go into the hospital with that and it was touch and go for quite a while.  I am so sorry for your experience and even sorrier for your loss.  


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