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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

Is That You Margaret?

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There is an old Ray Stevens song with him calling up "Margaret" on the telephone.  Okay, this is me, Margaret.  The weather is dark and dreary, no sun out at all.  Hettie, my sister widow next door, she says these kind of days make you sad.  It has not been three weeks yet.  I can usually get his death bed image out of my mind, but today it is haunting me so bad.  Regret, guilt, depression, whatever the stages of grief that we have, they have all piled on me today.  Sometimes I think "well, poor me" but there are a lot of us out there.  I know I am not alone.  Anyhow, this is Margaret, and I'm hanging up for now.

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I'm having a bad time too. It's beyond sad, isn't it? Often I'm in agony over the loss of my husband a year ago. The tears are streaming down my face. I'm going to my support group in about 20 minutes. I'm grateful my little dog will meet me when I come home. He always tries to make me feel better. He does help me so much. It feels like I will never feel good again, but I know I will. This group helps so much. 

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