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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Everything posted by katrina407

  1. I just also say my heart goes out to all of you, I really know what your going through too. I try to keep the memories of her and she lives in my heart too (both if you count my POPPA too, since this AUGUST 17 th, I did not get one CALL from my family, it would of been his Birthday. Familys can hurt you, beacuse there just too busy to bother too. I guess they don,t mean to, but it does hurt anyway. ANyway i am sorry to all of you, bless you .
  2. Yeah some days are bad for me too, I can,t stop crying over my MOM, so i just try to keep busy if i can. Also it affects my sleeping too. My DOG does help me keep going, so that too is a healer. But , yeah i feel at times my friends, and my family DON,T know what I am going through, even though it has been a year, I guess they thimk , oh well, time to go on, BUT I can,t she was such a lovely lady, my BEST Friend, we were good to each other. I know I will have many more bad days too.
  3. I am sorry for your loss. Let me tell you i lost MOM a year ago, and I still think of her, miss her a lot. I do still cry over her somtimes, the only person that cares a lot for me is a real good friend of mine, she has been there through the hard times in my life. Also I have a pet , that helps a lot, takes the loneliness away. Again I am very sorry for your loss.
  4. I am very sorry for your loss, speaking from my loved ones gone, I think of them , espeacially my Mom, it has only been a year, so yeah i still feel lost at times without her. So again i am so sorry for your loss!
  5. I am very sorry for your loss, i know how it feels to lose someone so close to your heart, i went through it a yeat ago, and i am still going through my grief, sometime is cry my eyes out about her, so as again i am very sorry!
  6. I feel like my friends and EVEN my FAMILY have left me alone in this world. The only thing i have left is my DOG, he loves me , follows me every where. My FAMILY don,t call me , it,s like they Treat me terrible. They don,t know i am still grieving over HER. We where very close, i feel like apart of me has died inside. I loved her soo much, she loved me in every way. ALthough i have a best friend Judy, she is the Superintenant and busy so she can,t alwys be there when i need her. If i did,bt have a DOG i don,t know... People say a lot of things to you, they will CALL but they don,t, its only to MAKE THEM FEEL better ,,LIke i was there for you..etc... It seems today in this world, everybody is FOR themselves! Sometimes i can, EAT or SLEEP until i can go to her Grave, then i feel a little better, We could always talk together.
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