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Good to hear from you, thank you for the song!  Hoping life is being kinder to you...



"The tears fall still
helplessly on the ground as they always did
and always shall
Never to end for the sorrow of your leaving will be with me 
with me for the rest of my days on earth.
I will find joy among the sadness
but still the tears will come.
I accept that.....that I shall live this life  with joy found in new love
while the tears still come."

Stephen Hochhaus


Kathy ..True Love can never die just because you did.


If there is one thing I have learned over the last eight years is that death causes grief and grief stays with us no matter how long we live. I have never been happier than I am today. I have found love so powerful that I never believed it possible.  I am reminded of a mentor who helped save me when I was at my lowest. She told me from her eighteen years of grieving that you will always have the tears. They will always come yet with less frequency but come they will. Those land mines called triggers which were carefully laid by two loving souls will be there waiting to hit and that is just fine for they represent a love so important, so important that it will never die.  They remind us to celebrate the lives of the beautiful angels that they are. 

I pick my self up and I go on with my day .... just as I have for all these years.


Good song Robin. Thanks for sharing it.

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Thank you for sharing Steve you helped me so much in learning how to push on through all the tears and sorrow , in learning that happiness can exist with sorrow from now on it always will.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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