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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

My Josh


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Thank you both so much. I'm having a bit of a hard day because that video was made for a banquet tonight for the racing school Josh "grew up" with, as a student when he was younger to an instructor most recently. Josh's parents will be at the banquet; I think it will be so hard for them but I think they will appreciate how much he meant to so many people. I just really miss him.

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Dear Kellymarie, As I am new to this site I have been wandering around it and was lucky enough to have found your wonderful video of Josh. It seems that he really lived his life to fullest and enjoyed every minute. My son Kelly is one year younger than your Josh and lives with the same zest. When we used to tell him to slow down (between 15-19) he would tell me life is meant to be lived. You are indeed lucky to have had a man like Josh in your life. Some people aren't that lucky. I was one of the lucky ones too and I felt cheated to lose him at 57. My prayers are with you. Jane

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Dear Jane, Thank you for your note. Josh certainly did live life to the fullest! I think all the time how glad I am he did live life that way and that we did alot of things together when we did, instead of putting them off. A handful of pictures in the video are from a trip we took to France and Switzerland and from another trip to Vermont and Montreal. I keep thinking how glad I am we took those trips eventhough it wasn't that easy financially. Josh's life and sadly death have completely changed my outlook on life. I am grateful everyday that I had him in life, eventhough it was for such a short time. I'm sorry you found us but welcome to a very comforting place with wonderful people. Kelly

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