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Medium Reading


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I know this is always a touchy subject, but for those interested, I just got off the phone with medium, Christopher Stillar. I am over-whelmed...it was amazing. I am so glad I did it. He told me things that no-one on this planet would have anyway of knowing. Things were said that made me cry but also made me laugh. I had hoped to connect with my mom,but my dad came thru loud and clear! He had alot of things to say to me and I needed to hear them!

Feel free to email me if you want more details.

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Thank you Shell.

Yes he does have a website, Spiritual Medium Christopher Stillar

I made the appt months ago but it was worth the wait! 2 people came thru, I was hoping my mom would, but it was my dad. The other person that came thru was an old boyfriend that took his life a few years ago. I was totally shocked . I wasnt expecting him. The highlights were...my dad just kept saying he was sorry, over and over again. He told me I "was such a good mother" the exact thing he would say to my mom about me, but would never tell me. He thanked me for taking care of my mom, he thanked me for"standing my ground and fighting their battle about the memorial vs.funeral" He said the day was perfect. Chris(the medium) said he had no idea why but my dad was showing him a picture of the actress Sandra Bullock. The last movie I watched with my dad was Miss Congeniality. He loved her movies.As my dad was dying, I was upset about what was happening to his eyes. No-one knew that. My dad told Chris to tell me he was sorry about his eyes and that he wasnt seeing , what it looked like he was seeing. And he knew it still bothered me. He thanked me for taking charge of his care and being able to seperate the emotional from the practical things.(that would be something my dad would be impressed with) He even told Chris I didnt get along with my mother-in-law. Which I dont. He told me to "tread lightly around her" and he kept saying my mother-in-law was a "piece of work". Again, his exact words about her when he was alive. He talked alot about my brother and told my brother to forgive himself and to start living and that he loved him. At one point a grandfather was there too...I didnt know either of them,but he said one kept laughing and saying "son-of-a-bit__" When I told my aunt about the reading, and told her that part, she just gasped and said that was my mom's dad.He always said that. I went in really preparing myself that this would not be real. But there were too many things that my dad said, things that no-one would possibly know except my dad.When I talked to Chris about my mom not being there, he asked if my mom and I were close, if we had resolved everything we had to before she died. Yes we did. He said, maybe there wasnt anymore to say.And you know, I think thats right. He said my dad came thru with such urgency, he said my dad had so many things to resolve. So, today I know my dad loves me, he is proud of me, he finally thanked me for taking care of he and my mom. And most of all he told me he was sorry. All the things I needed to hear. Thanks for listening Shell.

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I remember when you talked about going to see a medium. I think after reading about your experience, it really got me thinking about it. I know you understand,its so hard to describe. This man had never met me, didnt ask me one question and only let me say "yes or no". I was exhausted last night..I slept 10 hours!!!

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Your post moved me to tears, seriously I wiped them away to type. It's amazing how we can have unresoved issued that we don't think of and then you have an experience like that and find something as great as a good nights sleep. I've thought about this in the past but never in reguards to my current shall we say "funk" perhaps gief or suffering is a better way.


I read your post as well. Great link there by the way. I am also Catholic and find it enough just life one little bit at a time. I also find that I have questions. Like what happens to loved ones who don't believe in heaven? Ahhh, well, topic for another post.

Take care you two!

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Wow, that makes me believe there are real ones out there. What an experience you had! What you said about his explanation of why your mom didn't come through means so much to me. I always thought that if anyone would "contact" me after death, it would be my mom...we were so close. But I have had no signs or anything from her, that I know of, and it always makes me depressed and sad, like she doesn't want to contact me. But after reading what he told you, it makes sense to me that maybe I'm in the same postion, that there is no reason for my mom to "contact" me. It makes me feel better. Anyway, thanks for sharing that, it's fascinating. I'm going to check out his site!



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Annie, your post made me smile. I am happy for you that you had that chance to talk with your Dad. I have always believe that our loved ones are capable of contacting us. During the first month of his death, he often appeared in my dreams, I believed it was his way of assuring me that he is ok up there. I felt that I dont have any unresolved issues with him, just like with you and your mom. Yes, I was left devastated and suffering when he died, but I know that we both have showned how much we love each other and we both have given our all. In the end, this is what really matters, that we love sincerely and fully. I hope your healing continues.

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I totally believe you and your mom are like my mom and I. And Lyn said she and her dad had no unresolved things either. It just makes so much sense. There was nothing my mom and I didnt say to eachother during her last months. Love, apologies, sadness, ...we covered it all with eachother. I know she is okay, happy and no longer suffering and that someday I will see her again, but I dont feel bad any longer about her not visiting me, I know she is around me.

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Oh, sorry for the confusion Annie, but I'm talking about my fiance. He often appeared in my dreams during the first month, I know it was his way of comforting me, and the last dream I had about him was he gave me some signs that he is at peace now. He was not talking at all, but I sense the peace he wants to convey to me, and the assurance that he will always be with me.

I did not receive any signs from my father. I dont know why, I was too young when he died and maybe I was not conscious of the signs he sent. All I know is that he wanted me and my siblings to finish our degree, and we did eventually. I believe he is at peace now too.

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