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Not Coping Too Well

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I thought i was doing so well the last few weeks but this week im a mess crying all the time and i am working but not rearly being there its like being in a dream it dosnt feel real

we have had a few problems with the cematery we had mum cremated and the memorial wall is a discussting mess so she has not got a resting place yet.

The wall that we visited was a mess plarks off wall ashes in bags showing no garden just bushes and weeds....

It is a country town we have gone to the top to get this changed but this hurts im 1 hour away from family AND THE CEMATERY

i had twins in 1982 and lost them both we had to burry them and we got a rearly nice plark at our cematery just around the corner from my house .. i have placed a varse with the twins that i use for mum so i can place flowers for the three of them .. it makes me feel better doing it this way till she has her own plark....an plott in the country cematry but it still to far away to place flowers when i feel sad there an hour away


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I'm so sorry for your losses and the trouble you are having with the cemetary. I would say you are doing better than you think, having lost your twins and your mother. I feel so for you. I think losing your children has to tbe the worst grief of all, so you are entitled to be a mess. We all do well, then have down periods, but hang in there and you will cope better again. My heart goes out to you.



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Angelwings: I think having the three loved ones close to each other and you like you're doing is a lovely idea. This really is a dream time for you. Let the dreams carry you through some of this, until you can dream about all the wonderful things you had with your family. This is a very hard time to go through. My very best- DoubleJo

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thank you for the lovely messages a bit better today but still reliving the last 15 hours with mum when she had her heart atack just the breathing carnt get out of my mind she was 81 and had some rearly good years with her before she got sick with dimenture an could not talk and couldnt reconize us for three years


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Angelwings: Your mind must be in a whirl- this happening so recently. Yes, you'll talk to yourself over and over trying to comprehend and make sense of what you saw and heard. Do take care- all of it is so hard to digest.


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I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my Mom about six months ago and even though I've had some good days, there are days when I just start crying and can't seem to stop. I miss my Mom so much.

I'm sorry you are having such a challenging time with the cemetary. My folks have been living with me for the past twelve years on an extremely tight budget. When my Mom died, my husband and I paid for the expenses, but we brought her home. My husband built a beautiful Urn (with room for my Dad) and my aunt did a beautiful stained glass piece with tulips (my Mom's favorite flower). She also has a photo of my Mom in the glass.

The rest of the family, of course, offered no financial support (and not much emotional support for my dad). At times my husband starts complaining about this and I know what he is saying but I also have trouble hearing it. Its like you just can't put a price on her. She was priceless to me.

Today is not one of my better days...I wish I could offer more support but you are in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless you!


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Hi I am so sorry for your loss, I can undersand and feel your feelings all I have been doing is crying. I loss my husband about 6 weeks and now all I can do is cry all day, however its ok cause we have to GO THROUGT until we can feel better. You keep your up and feel what God allows you to feel. I really feel for you all the loss your have evperience, however remember God does not put on us more than we can bare, I know that does not sound good however it is true. Take can and remeber WE love you.

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