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Remembrance Ceremony

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Today, I attended "A Day of Hope and Remembrance" ceremony because Harry's eyes were donated when he died. It was a beautiful day today and I was so very grateful for the weather. It was held in a State Park. There was a picnic prior to the program which included a photo slide show of all the people in this area who had donated organs, tissue or eyes. Four different recipient's spoke which was very moving. The slide show was repeated while our loved ones names were read aloud. We were then given wildflower seeds and walked a path to spread them while a bagpipe played hymns. It was an emotional day but I am so glad I went. It was a wonderful way to honor Harry and the gift of sight he gave to another person.

I recently mailed a letter to the transplant program to send on to person who received Harry's cornea's. I am aprehensive but do hope I hear back from that person.

I have a friend from my grief support group who asked me to an outdoor concert at her church tonight and was touched that the music included a song that has been so special to me. It is by the group Casting Crowns and the title is "Praise Him in This Storm." I know God has had His hand on me preparing me. I heard this song for the first time a couple of months before Harry died and felt I had to have it as a ringtone on my cell phone. Prior to that all I had was the generic Cingular tones. Little did I know this song was going to be carrying me thru such a devastating period. Here are the lyrics in the melody:

I’ll praise You in this storm

And I will lift my hands

For You are who You are

No matter where I am

Every tear I’ve cried

You hold in Your hand

You never left my side

And though my heart is torn

I will praise You in this storm


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Thanks Sherry, Those are beautiful lyrics and I can understand why you love that song so much.

My Mom had corneal transplants in both eyes about 15 yrs before she died. I don't know if she ever got a letter from her donor's family.

But I offer thanks up because without them she never would have seen our son grow up to almost manhood and she wouldn't have seen our daughter at all.

She wouldn't have been able to sew both of the kids some clothes nor crochet the blankets that adorn all of our three beds.

Without them.. we would have been robbed of knowing more of what she was feeling for she wasn't much of a talker and I know I relied on those eyes so many times to tell me what she couldn't.

If not for those transplants, she wouldn't have be able to see her husband off to continue his journey away from this earth.

And she wouldn't have been able to see smiles that helped her find some peace afterwards.

She would have been robbed of her independence which was so important to her.

So if you never do get a letter back.. please take my thanks...

The gift of sight.. is priceless.

And there really aren't too many words that can express how much this gift was so appreciated by our family.



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Thank you for sharing the lyrics to that song. Music has always been special to me, for years I was on the Praise and Worship team at church, in the choir, ladies ensemble, and sang specials. I did other ministries for others, but music was my ministry to ME! :) Music is the gift that just keeps on giving...

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