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I have been having some really hard days lately and pouring my heart out to God. This song really expresses what I am asking God to do in my life. Maybe it will help someone else as well. Music really touches my soul as I suppose it does most everyone.


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I never really "loved" music but I enjoyed listening to it while in the car or cleaning house. Now here is the wierd part....ever since Lou's death I will not listen to any music. I did not realize what I was doing at first but I turn the channel on the radio anytime there is music (I listen to talking parts only) and when there is long music or singing on TV I put it on mute. For some reason the music bothers me. I have not tried to analyze why or give it much thought.

I wonder what is going on?


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Rosemary - I've wondered that, too. I find that I avoid the places, and things, that remind me of Joe in a painful way -the grocery store, for intstance. During the last three months, all he wanted was puddings, and frozen pot pies, and I'd be there 3 or 4 times a week. Let me tell you, when I do go grocery shopping now I push my cart so fast by those aisles your head would spin. Music? It's basically sitting outside my back deck, cranking up Jimi Hendrix (I don't know why - may favorite since I was 15) and having a meltdown - my neighbors hate me. Reading? Haven't read a book all the way through in 7 months - and I could read a book in one sitting. On the computer? About 5 times as much as I would have been, but it's what I need right now. All I can say is I truly wish I knew how to knit! Marsha

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Guest moparlicious

Great song. Music soothes my soul, I love music. I am passionate about it!!!!! I sang many songs to Dan while he was in the hospital and in Hospice, oh well if no one liked he did. Thanks. Love, Kim

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Thank you for posting this. This is my favorite group and I hadn't heard this song before this thread. Today, I was parking to go into my grief group. (We meet once a month.) Our leader is retiring and she has been a tremendous help. She has a great ability to listen and empathize. I made her a little gift that had an angel and bells to remember "us" by. I was wondering what our group would be like without her and this song came on. I didn't get any answers about the group, but it did feel like one of those God moments where He was speaking to me through this song. I stared off into the street and when I closed my eyes to listen more intently, I saw a cross. When I looked again, I noticed a telephone pole with the same shape. It was just one of those reminders that He was listening and He cares. I believe there are angels among us to help us through heartache. For all of you here, you have been just that for me.

Thank you.


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Thank you, Sherry - it's a powerful song. All Joe wanted to listen to was Nebraska, by Bruce Springsteen. It's a sad, but again powerful album. Music does mean so much to us.

Kath - I believe in angels in human form - when I'm feeling really bad, often comes someone to just check in on me, or talk for a while. Like you, the comfort of those here fits that human-in-angel form.


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