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Hi...I found this forum yesterday. Its been little over a year since my husband Larry was killed. We were married 33 years and have two children. We married as teens and were still very much in love with each other. He was such a Godly man...over and over that is what I hear from everyone that knew him, that they didnt know anyone as Godly as Larry...and I didnt either.He hasnt been forgotten which helps me...someone is always bringing his name up...sharing with other people what an impact he made on their lives. He was truly sold out to Jesus as I am also. I have made it through this with the strength that God gives me each day.I cried hard everyday for over three months...I often wondered how your body can keep crying so much and when does it stop. I still cry everyday...but not as hard...well except recently as I hit the year anniversary...and his birthday is the following week.He was only 52...so young ....butI know God has His reasons for taking him home....but it still hurts so much... I wasn't expecting to be grieiving like I did when he first died....but thats what I've been doing. He did everything for me...he wanted me taken care of... he loved me so much...somedays I feel so lost and alone...so much pain... but like I said God is getting me though this valley. Just wanted to share this with you all...God bless you...:)

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It doesn't matter how strongly we believe that our loved one(s) are living on, our grief cannot be denied. But as you have found, the belief that we will be together again, and that they are still with us, just not in physical form, is very comforting.


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Hi Korina....that is my sweet little granddaughters name.... Yes, I have comfort in knowing I will be reunited with Larry. That is my hope and joy that keeps me going and knowing that God has a master plan. I know that this time apart is a time for me to be growing more as a Christian and to help whoever God puts across my path. It has been so comforting in a strange way to find this forum and to see the same words I have spoken, but written by others. I started a journal a few weeks after Larry was killed and I am still writing in it at least every couple of days. It helps me to express the amount of pain I am in. There are really no words that can reach into our hearts and feel how deep the pain and loss are...but I know when I write how deep it is...and that helps me...I hope others will do the same if they are led to...take care and God bless you...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am lucky to share a name with your granddaughter. Our daughter's name is Kailyn, and she will be 19 months old in 4 days.


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Mrs. G,

I missed this post so I apologize for my lateness in response. I'm sorry you lost your husband, it sounds like you were very fortunate to have spent your life with such a man (and he you). You've found a very caring place here, please continue coming here and posting, it really helps.

Sometimes the greater our love, the greater our loss, and we need the comfort and encouragement of others as we go through this grief journey. I'm glad you have your faith, that will be immeasurable help to you.


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Thanks for the encouraging words about God. Ever since this has happened I've felt God hated me. My head knows that's not true but try and tell that to my heart. Still, I'm trying to turn to church, the Bible and prayer for strength. I'm not really feeling it right now but maybe soon.

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