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Time Of Year?

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Is it the time of year? I thought I was doing so good making plans ahead of time for the holidays so I wouldn't be alone, getting my life together, but all of a sudden I can't seem to get myself together. Tim is on my mind every second of the day and I cry constantly. I went to visit the kids this weekend thinking that might help, it was great while I was there, but on the drive home I sobbed so much I made myself sick. My whole insides just feel empty and my heart aches. I long to see his face, hear his voice and feel his touch. I can't concentrate at work, I don't even want to be there. Is this something that is normal this time of year, with the holidays nearing? This will be my first holidays without him.


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This time of the year (holidays) is harder, that's for sure. I broke down and cried last night, first time in a while. It's hard to look forward to the holidays, am not sure what I'll do during Christmas break...I can't go anywhere because of my dog but I'll be alone and that's kind of depressing. I feel like I don't have a life, not much of one anyway. A lot of it is I feel like I've lost my friends...one is moving today.

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I don't think I could even consider the holidays were it not for my son. My fiance won't be here to share it with us, but I believe he would have wanted me to make it special for his 'adopted son'. They were such good buddies. My love really cared for children in a special way, and that memory will help. This is hard, very hard, but we had six years of love and memories. I have to hold on to that.

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This is the time of the year that I dread the most. I think it is the hardest because there is Thanksgiving and right after that Christmas and don't forget New Years. It doesn't help when you go into the stores and all the decorations are out at the end of September beginning of October. It makes this time of the year three months long and everything is centered around "family". The holiday's will never be the same. I think of my son and that is what gets me through this time of the year. He is my rock.

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