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All Souls Day

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This Saturday night is All Souls Eve. I'm going to the local church where the minister reads up the names of all those who have passed on this past year. They're reading up my husband's name and I know it's going to be tough.

I saw the post about saying something positive, and I'm sure there have been many positive things that have happened since I lost my husband three months ago, but tonight all I feel is deep sorrow, longing and regret. I had hoped to come further by three months. I'm not sure how far I should have come by now. I can function, but I'm always aware of him being missing - every moment. And I cry at least a little every day.


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I don't think our church ever did anything about All Soul's Day, I don't remember anything about it, but I do know, when his picture disappeared off our wall, it hurt so much. Our church puts all members and attenders up on our wall, and updates them once a year. Right now Jim's picture is up there and it pains me to look at it but it'll probably pain me to see it come down too. Guess I need to not look...

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I also continue to feel the loss of my wife but only in the physical sense, yes I long to hold her daily and see her smile but I have accepted she is gone from earth and with God, I do feel her spirit daily without a doubt she is still with me....I attended our All Souls Mass last night, while it was hard not as hard as I imagined, I have learned our grief is what we make it, if we think positive and reflect on positive we do OK, but if we focus on the sadness we feel it gets no better as this is negative energy....I pray you will have strength in next days to come and are able to attend the service and feel comforted knowing your husband now lives forever with God in a Kingdom we can join if we beleive and follow.....May The Lord Be With You...


Copy Of my post in Things Positive....

Hello All,

Today was All Souls day in the Catholic faith and tonight was the Mass to honor, pray, and light a candle for our departed, I am thankful I was able to attend and participate, I thought it would be hard but it was really comforting....and I have now conquered another first, what a wonderful positive feeling....God Bless All


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I also continue to feel the loss of my wife but only in the physical sense, yes I long to hold her daily and see her smile but I have accepted she is gone from earth and with God, I do feel her spirit daily without a doubt she is still with me....I attended our All Souls Mass last night, while it was hard not as hard as I imagined, I have learned our grief is what we make it, if we think positive and reflect on positive we do OK, but if we focus on the sadness we feel it gets no better as this is negative energy....I pray you will have strength in next days to come and are able to attend the service and feel comforted knowing your husband now lives forever with God in a Kingdom we can join if we beleive and follow.....May The Lord Be With You...


Copy Of my post in Things Positive....

Hello All,

Today was All Souls day in the Catholic faith and tonight was the Mass to honor, pray, and light a candle for our departed, I am thankful I was able to attend and participate, I thought it would be hard but it was really comforting....and I have now conquered another first, what a wonderful positive feeling....God Bless All



If only I could feel certain that he really is there - and that I'll see him again. Then I could be patient. As it is, I just have so many doubts. I was raised without religion and have trouble feeling faith. But right now I really need it.


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I understand how you feel let me see if I can help with some scriptures....and a word from me "seek God and you will find God"....

From the Bible Promise Book

Eternal Life,

Jesus said to her,"I am the resurrection and the life.

He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?"

Book of John 11:25-26


"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see"

Book Of Hebrews 11:1

Take Care and God Bless Melina you will be in my special prayer's tonight.....


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