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Remembrance Day/veterans Day

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My husband spent 27 years in the Canadian Military and today being Remembrance Day in Canada, it's an especially bad day for me. Glenn and I always attended a service at the local cenotaph and last year, for the first time, he put his medals on and wore them proudly. I should explain that although Glenn was very proud of his service, we in Canada aren't as outwardly "patriotic" as the US seems to be. We have what I like to call a "quiet pride". As a result, Glenn and I always made the effort to honour the fallen, but last year when I asked him why he decided to wear his medals, he said "It's just the right time."

Of course, today I couldn't bear to attend a service so I sat at home and watched the service at the National Cenotaph in Ottawa on TV, crying and clutching my husband's medals.

It seems an apt name for those of us here, doesn't it? "Remembrance Day".post-14403-12894962577_thumb.jpg

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Wow, how interesting that Canada has their Remembrance Day and we have our Veterans Day at the same time! Incidentally, my son went into the Air Force on Veterans Day 8 years ago.

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I'm sure I paid attention in class...I just don't remember anything! :wacko::blink:

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Di, I am sorry Remeberance Day was especially hard for you. It is OK that you could not bear to go out. It is OK to do what you need to do to move through this journey that none of us want to be on. We will have them in our hearts forever....our love survives their death...nothing changes those facts.

Courage and Blessings, Carol Ann

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