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Yet Another Loss

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My great-grandma passed away Saturday. I called her Granny. She was 93 years old, and she had been sick for a long time. I'm glad she's not suffering anymore, and all she talked about was going to heaven, but it's still so stinking hard. She and Meemaw, who is her daughter and also my grandma, are like my second and third moms. They are my dad's mom and grandma, but he wasn't really in the picture, so they filled in that gap where a second parent is supposed to be.

I keep thinking of all the memories I had with her. Granny had a beautiful singing voice. She used to always be singing when she was working in the house when I would stay there. She played this old Gibson guitar, and we would sit on the front porch and sing mostly gospel songs. I used to love to stand beside her in church just so I could hear that clear, high voice.

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Wow keyboardplayer It's been a rough year!! I'm so sorry for your loss! My children were very close to their Grandmother. They too didn't have a father in the picture either. We lived with Gram for 8 years. So I do understand your grief. It stinks that people come and go from our lives. But what beautiful memories the leave behind!!! Think of just that! There are somethings people or God can take from us. But I feel there is always a reason!! We will always have good memories!! I'm sure Granny is in a better place. Where there is no more suffering. Maybe my Mom will meet her in heaven. My Mom would be proud of me reaching out to you during this difficult time. Hugs and prayers for you and your family!!!!! Keep the Faith!!!

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my great grandma died last week.She was 97.She lived in Arizona,so I couldnt attend the service,I wish I could have.She was a little old Indian,and took care of herself.Sharp as a tack.She was ready to go home too.She refused any procedures and insisted on being let gohome to pass on in peace.I'm very happy she lived a full long life.I hadnt seen her in two years.I hope she is resting in peace.Im sorry for your loss.And I hope they are both living it up at "home".O yeah,I called mine granny too!

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I appreciate all of you. Granny lost her husband 40 years ago. I never got to meet him because that was before my time. I'm only 24. She talked about him all the time. Everybody said we would have hit it off because we share a deep love for music. When I got the call that she passed away, I could almost picture in my head that Jesus tapped Papaw on the shoulder and said, "Hey, I need you to come with me. There's someone coming I think you'll want to see." And then Papaw and Jesus were both at the pearly gates waiting for her when she walked in.

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aw I'm so sorry for another loss for you keyboardplayer. I really like your thinking here though and I hope that's exactly what happens everytime we lose someone that there's just a party and celebration going on somewhere else because others are getting to hang out again with their loved ones.

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