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Mother's Day?

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Hi, I come here yet again searching, and it seems to be all I do lately. This will be the first Mother's Day without my Mom and hearing people talk about it makes me so emotional. She was my best friend and advocate and loved me unconditionally. I know I was very fortunate but the downside is so painful and I feel so alone and lost. I am in counselling but sometimes I think the only people that can understand are those that have been in our shoes.

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Oh, Cat_Lady, I so feel your pain. This is also my first Mother's Day without my mom and I just want to scream. I am so tired of seeing all the commercials and store displays. Yesterday at lunch, one of my coworkers (and a good friend!) brought up the topic as if it was nothing. I wanted to stand up on the table and just yell at everyone that my mother is dead so can we please not discuss this? I know that's irrational. I know that people forget and think that after the funeral, everything goes back to normal. But it doesn't! It almost seems to get worse because now we all have to get through the everyday normal stuff and it's awful. I just wish people were more considerate and aware of those around them.

I really just want to ignore the day completely, but I don't know if that's possible. I'm sure we'll have to go to my in-laws' but I would love to just stay in bed all day and do nothing.


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My first one without my dear Mom. Last year I knew it would be her last and we had a big get together. Can you believe I was the only one smart enough in my family to bring a camera and suggest a group picture! Yep! That's how thoughtless my siblings are!

Anyway, I am trying not to think about it. I have a lot to do. I am invited to my girlfriend's Mom's but may not go. I am seriously thinking about getting seriously drunk that day!

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Yeah, it's been my first one too. Here in the UK we celebrate it earlier, sometime in March (I think). I basically ignored it - didn't go to church, didn't look at stuff in shops. Just mostly stayed in bed & read & ate & snuggled my dogs.

One first anniversary down, many more to go. I don't know about you guys, my Mum would be not happy about me feeling bad & just wanting me to get out & live life & be happy. Soon, Mum, soon. I hope.

Big sympathy & love going out to you all.



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I hate that there are so many of us dealing with loss, but I'm glad we all have each other to get through this.

Becka -- My mom would be furious to know how depressed I am. She was sick for years before the cancer, and she always felt horrible when we had to change plans or anything on her account. She never wanted to be a "burden" on us, and I know she would be so sad to see me like this. I'm trying, but it's just so hard without her.


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This will be second Mother's Day without mom. Last year I think I was still in shock and did not even recognize the day at all. I returned to work on Monday and everyone asked how was my Mother's Day. I had forgotten. This year I can't stop myself from reading all the cards. I read / cry /walk away / comeback / read / cry...... I am torturing myself. God I miss her! I love you Mommie D!

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I too am dreading Sunday. This is my first Mother's day without my Mom as well. My mom would want me to celebrate with my children and I will somewhat. Part of the day will just be for me to remember my Mom. I can't think of a time yet when i will be as strong as mom would have wanted me to be. I know what she would be saying but I too say just give me more time Mom. I can't think too far ahead in the future these days, it is too painful. I would sleep the day completely away but I know I must make some attempt for my own children. That's what she would want me to pass on, those loving times that I hold so close to my heart from own childhood. I hope everyone does what ever they need to do to get through the day. <<hugs>>

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