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1St Moms Day Alone In 25Yrs

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well today is my 1st moms day alone in 25yrs & it feels weird. You raise children knowing that someday they will all move out & go on w/ their lives & you prepare for that, but you never think or prepare for your spouse to be gone also. My dh always made mothers day special for me, even last year when he was sick. I have learned a few things this week though, I went & visited friends(couples) yesterday & really didnt want to go, but I did it & though I felt uncomfortable the whole time I learned that I can close that door & they were only friends cuz my hubby was with me. I also learned that I don't think we ever really get over the loss of a loved one we just learn to function w/o them even when it doesn't seem possible. In 20yrs I lost a child & my husband & I could very well choose to be bitter & pull the "why me" card, but I choose to be happy & know that God has a perfect plan for me. a friend sent me a scripture today & it seemed so fitting(she had no idea what I've been going through this week).

"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus" 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18.

Happy Mothers Day friends.

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Happy Mother's Day to you also and all the other moms and grammas on this site. I'm lucky that all my children live in the same city so we were all able to go to brunch this morning.It put a bright spot in my day. I hope the rest find a bright spot .


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I lost my mother a year ago in February. We lost Jane's mother five years ago in September. It feels strange not to have someone of my own to wish happy Mother's Day--but i hope all of you with children had a truly wonderful day.


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I know how you're feeling because yesterday was my WORST MOTHER'S DAY EVER! My son likes to "surprise" me so I never know if/what/when he'll show up, and of course, I kept hoping he would. My daughter is kind of a last minute person so I didn't know about her either. I did not hear from either one of them until late last night. No card, no email, no FB message, not even a call in the morning to let me know I was thought of but I wouldn't see them. Nothing. I was the best mom in the world and yet I felt very uncared about yesterday. If George had been here, I at least would have had his arms to hold me, and his support. But this...just hurt. All of the mothers at church seemed to have kids coming or there, dinners out, etc. I went home alone.

I took my mom out to dinner and brought her a hand made card this weekend because my brother was going to take her out Sunday. Last year I gave her some beautiful silk blouses and she threw them away. She's been horrible and ungrateful about any gifts from us kids so we finally decided we wouldn't do that any more. (she's crazy, seriously) So when I called her yesterday she said the only one that cares about her is my sister. Nice. So I kind of feel like I'm not getting treated right on both ends. And it sucks proper.

I'm sorry you're feeling down about Mother's Day too...I think sometimes these "special days" almost set us up for a letdown. I only know I need to do something different next year. I can't have a repeat of this year. I need to let my kids know if they want to plan something with me they need to let me know in advance because otherwise I will be making other plans, I can't sit home alone feeling sad every Mother's Day hoping/waiting for one of them to maybe think of me.

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I am sorry that you had such a lonely day. Next year, you should just make plans with friends. If your children decide to come, they can join you, and it will be that much better. You should never wait on someone else to be happy. My children are young, and still at home. We went to church, but they were in their Sunday school rooms, so I sat alone. The sermon was on how to create and maintain a strong marriage. (One that I could have skipped. It just made me cry.) I bought myself flowers, and we went out to dinner and then for ice cream. I suppose once my kids are gone, I will have to find friends! For now, I will just get my own flowers, and make my own dinner plans!

I hope you do not have to go through another holiday on your own. Try to surround yourself with people who can keep your mind off of your loss. I will keep you in my thoughts for a nicer holliday!

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