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monday I will be going on my 1st trip w/o out my husband, my son(who just got home from afghanistan) & my other son will be going to my husband & mine favorite place(our last trip there was in 09 for our 24th anniversary)we are going to celebrate his birthday there. I'm a AZ native & have never driven in the snow so this will be a huge 1st for me, all week I have thought about canceling this trip that I've been looking forward to for 5 months just because I'm afraid, but I know this is something I have to do to help me get my identity back & get out of my "safe" bubble. My hubby can't be here for me anymore to protect me from the scary things in life & I don't want another man in my life to do it for me. my dh has been gone now for 7months & I need to move forward a little bit at a time.

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I know how scary it is to do those things without them and you are so wise in your assessment. I hope that you have a wonderful time and will pray for you while you are on your trip, that God will protect you and build your confidence. It will be a good thing and you will have time with your sons. And congratulations on your son making it back!

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wow what a week this has been. I have learned a lot about myself this week; I can drive 9hrs & read a map all by myself, I can let things go, I can start new memories w/ my kids & myself. There was a lot of emotion at the begining of trip but a lot of cleansing too. for the 1st time in 7months I really laughed & smiled & enjoyed myself, I really feel this is my new begining(not that I'm ready to put dh away completely)but I am ready to move a bit more forward.

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Hi Pinkpony,

I'm not sure how I missed your original post, but I did. I think it takes baby steps.....just to get used to being out there again.

I am so glad that your trip was such a positive experience!



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I think it's great that you still have kids around...it's hard to go through this alone. I hope your trip and the memories you build with your kids are wonderful! (Are we there yet???)

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I think it's great that you still have kids around...it's hard to go through this alone. I hope your trip and the memories you build with your kids are wonderful! (Are we there yet???)

thx, my kids are all grown & live in different states so we all met up there. We did make some wonderful memories & our relationship changed to a friends level, I didn't have to be "mommy" we were all free to be ourselves, that in itself was very refreshing.

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That's so great! I wish I could have a camping trip with my kids again...we haven't done that since they have been grown. It does change after they grow up, doesn't it!

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I just read your post and see that you made the trip and had a wonderful time. You're right, we now have to do many things that we relied on our husbands to do.

Good for you to have done this, and to have made special memories with your family.


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Dear pinkpony,

I am sorry for your loss. Wow! I am so glad you were able to feel the fear about going on this trip without your husband and go anyway. That takes courage and strength and you attained more healing and experienced some smiling and laughter again and were able to share all of this with your children. Continued courage to you!

Blessings and Courage, Carol Ann

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